everdox / InfinityHook

Hook system calls, context switches, page faults and more.
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ExceptionCode: c0000409 (Security check failure or stack buffer overrun) #22

Open Flerov opened 2 years ago

Flerov commented 2 years ago

When I load the driver I get BSOD 'caused by Security Check Failure. Can someone pls point me to a newer method to mitigate this when hooking a function. I'm running Windows10.v.1941

LoseYouNow commented 2 years ago

the same problem , my os name 21h1

AntonKukoba1 commented 2 years ago

it's windows mechanism called Kernel Patch Protection which detects the hook which the driver sets. If you just want to run it for education purposes, you need to install Windows 10 1511 and disable Kernel Patch Protection via EFIGuard.