The log panel is great for viewing the logs of a workload resource, but there is no way to look for log output that contains a specific substring. It would be useful to have a search mode that results in only showing log lines that contain a provided substring.
Acceptance Criteria:
Key press triggers a search box that accepts a string to use to search logs
Upon search term submission a new viewport is shown (and input to the logs panel viewport is disabled) that only shows logs that contain the searched substring
Another key press, preferably a different key, should close the searched log mode and return to the log panel view
(Optional): A nice to have would be to highlight the section of a log that matches the search term
The log panel is great for viewing the logs of a workload resource, but there is no way to look for log output that contains a specific substring. It would be useful to have a search mode that results in only showing log lines that contain a provided substring.
Acceptance Criteria: