Closed siddhu2310 closed 3 months ago
Equivalent CATIA VBA Code
Sub CATMain()
Dim Fact2D As Factory2D
Dim documents1 As Documents
Set documents1 = CATIA.Documents
Dim drawingDocument1 As drawingDocument
Set drawingDocument1 = documents1.Add("Drawing")
drawingDocument1.Standard = catISO
Dim drawingSheets1 As drawingSheets
Set drawingSheets1 = drawingDocument1.Sheets
Dim drawingSheet1 As drawingSheet
Set drawingSheet1 = drawingSheets1.Item("Sheet.1")
drawingSheet1.PaperSize = catPaperA3
drawingSheet1.Orientation = catPaperLandscape
Dim drawingViews1 As drawingViews
Set drawingViews1 = drawingSheet1.Views
'Dim drawingView1 As drawingView
Set drawingView1 = drawingViews1.Add("AutomaticNaming")
Set Fact2D = drawingView1.Factory2D
drawingView1.X = 420 / 2
drawingView1.Y = 297 / 2
drawingView1.FrameVisualization = False
drawingView1.Scale2 = 3
Dim drawingViewGenerativeLinks1 As DrawingViewGenerativeLinks
Set drawingViewGenerativeLinks1 = drawingView1.GenerativeLinks
Dim drawingViewGenerativeBehavior1 As DrawingViewGenerativeBehavior
Set drawingViewGenerativeBehavior1 = drawingView1.GenerativeBehavior
Dim partDocument1 As partDocument
Set partDocument1 = documents1.Item("DEMO_1.CATPart")
Dim part1 As part
Set part1 = partDocument1.part
Dim axisSystems1 As axisSystems
Set axisSystems1 = part1.axisSystems
Dim axisSystem1 As axisSystem
Set axisSystem1 = axisSystems1.Item("Axis Sys06")
drawingViewGenerativeBehavior1.SetAxisSysteme Nothing, axisSystem1
Dim bodies1 As Bodies
Set bodies1 = part1.Bodies
Dim body1 As Body
Set body1 = bodies1.Item("Part1")
drawingViewGenerativeLinks1.AddLink body1
Dim body2 As Body
Set body2 = bodies1.Item("Part2")
drawingViewGenerativeLinks1.AddLink body2
drawingViewGenerativeBehavior1.DefineFrontView -0.087122, 0.996198, 0#, -0.002424, -0.000212, -0.999997
Dim P1X As Double, P1Y As Double
Dim P2X As Double, P2Y As Double
P1X = 15.00341
P1Y = 10.40991
P2X = 5.671
P2Y = 14.00241
Dim Point1 As Point2D
Dim Point2 As Point2D
Dim Line2D As Line2D
Dim myElements
Dim selpoints
Dim MyDimension As DrawingDimension
Set origine = Fact2D.CreatePoint(0, 0)
Set PointP2 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(P2X, P2Y)
Set PointP1 = Fact2D.CreatePoint(P1X, P1Y)
Set Line2D = Fact2D.CreateLine(P2X, P2Y, P1X, P1Y)
myElements = Array(origine, Line2D)
selpoints = Array(0, 0, 0, 0)
Set MyDimension = drawingView1.Dimensions.Add(catDimDistance, myElements, selpoints, catDimDistanceMin)
Dim specsAndGeomWindow1 As SpecsAndGeomWindow
Set specsAndGeomWindow1 = CATIA.ActiveWindow
Dim specsViewer1 As SpecsViewer
Set specsViewer1 = specsAndGeomWindow1.ActiveViewer
End Sub
I have Solved the Issue Myself, Just Passed Com _Object
elements = (origine.com_object,line_2d.com_object)
I'm re-opening this issue as you shouldn't have to do that as an end user. That should be done within the class method itself so I'll get this patched soon. However, the update will break your current solution.
There's been some ninja editing here ... The original question was regarding the DrawingDimensions.add2()
class method. Both require fixing.
I've submitted fixes for both DrawingDimensions.add()
and DrawingDimensions.add2()
to the developement branch which will be included in the next 0.74 release.
Here are complete working examples for both. These require an already open CATDrawing with an active view.
from pycatia import catia
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_dim_type
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_dim_line_rep
from pycatia.drafting_interfaces.drawing_document import DrawingDocument
caa = catia()
drawing_document: DrawingDocument = caa.active_document
sheets = drawing_document.sheets
sheet = sheets.active_sheet
views = sheet.views
active_view = views.active_view
factory_2d = active_view.factory_2d
line_1 = factory_2d.create_line(50, 10, 150, 10)
line_2 = factory_2d.create_line(50, 10, 120, 100)
elipse = factory_2d.create_ellipse(-40, 100, 120, 180, 120, 90, 0, 3)
point_1 = factory_2d.create_point(-10, 190)
point_2 = factory_2d.create_point(-120, 190)
catDimAngle = cat_dim_type.index('catDimAngle')
catDimAuto = cat_dim_line_rep.index('catDimAuto')
line_elements = (line_1, line_2)
selection_points_1 = (150, 10, 120, 100)
active_view.dimensions.add(catDimAngle, line_elements, selection_points_1, catDimAuto)
catDimLengthCurvilinear = cat_dim_type.index('catDimLengthCurvilinear')
catDimOffset = cat_dim_line_rep.index('catDimOffset')
var_elements = (point_1, point_2, elipse)
selection_points_2 = (0, 0, 0, 0)
active_view.dimensions.add(catDimLengthCurvilinear, var_elements, selection_points_2, catDimOffset)
from pycatia import catia
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_dim_type
from pycatia.enumeration.enumeration_types import cat_dim_line_rep
from pycatia.drafting_interfaces.drawing_document import DrawingDocument
caa = catia()
drawing_document: DrawingDocument = caa.active_document
sheets = drawing_document.sheets
sheet = sheets.active_sheet
views = sheet.views
active_view = views.active_view
factory_2d = active_view.factory_2d
point_1 = factory_2d.create_point(40, 230)
point_2 = factory_2d.create_point(80, 210)
line_1 = factory_2d.create_line(50, 10, 150, 10)
catDimDistance = cat_dim_type.index('catDimDistance')
point_elements = (point_1, point_2)
selection_points = (0, 0, 0, 0)
dimension = active_view.dimensions.add2(catDimDistance, point_elements, selection_points, line_1, 0)
Thank you so much for the support @evereux When I can expect the 0.7.4 Release ?
This has now been released.
Describe the bug I have created two points in the Drawing, then tried to generate the Dimensions for it, Just I need to show the Distance Between the Points.
Error: ''' Traceback (most recent call last): File "d:\Tesing\Drwing\", line 86, in
my_dimension = drawing_view.dimensions.add(catDimDistance, elements, selpoints, catDimDistanceMin)
File "C:\Python311\Lib\site-packages\pycatia\drafting_interfaces\", line 113, in add
File "<COMObject >", line 2, in Add
TypeError: must be real number, not Point2D
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