evermeer / EVCloudKitDao

Simplified access to Apple's CloudKit
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Contacts not showing in iOS 10.2 #70

Closed PPacie closed 7 years ago

PPacie commented 7 years ago

I received the following message when opening the app:

[37816:950132] [LogFacilityCK] Got a user discovery progress callback with no record id: { UserIdentity = "<CKUserIdentity: 0x6100000acf60; lookupInfo=<CKUserIdentityLookupInfo: 0x610000265dc0; email=xxxxx@gmail.com>, cached=0, nameComponents=Pablo, userID=<CKRecordID: 0x6100002217e0; recordName=_a29465019ed7e273fd544e39e6c73232, zoneID=_defaultZone:defaultOwner>>"; } [37816:.] RightMenuViewController.swift(45) loadContacts: AllContactUserInfo count = Optional(0)

The same "Got a user...." message is being displayed for the 3 contactas I have using the app.

I think it can be an Apple issue related with the deprecation of CKDiscoveredUserInfo which is being replaced by CKUserIdentity(and its methods: discoverAllIdentitiesWithCompletionHandler, etc.) in iOS 10 as I tested it on iOS 9 and it worked alright.

evermeer commented 7 years ago

I have just released version 3.2.0 with support for the new iOS 10 functions. The function discoverUserInfo will now return an AnyObject. Depending on the iOS version it will be a CKUserIdentity or a CKDiscoverdUserInfo. You can handle that with code like this:

func showNameFor(_ contact: AnyObject) -> String {
    if #available(iOS 10.0, *) {
        return showNameFor10(contact as! CKUserIdentity)
    } else {
        return showNameFor9(contact as! CKDiscoveredUserInfo)

@available(iOS 10.0, *)
func showNameFor10(_ contact: CKUserIdentity) -> String {
    let nickname = contact.nameComponents?.nickname ?? ""
    let givenName = contact.nameComponents?.givenName ?? ""
    let familyName = contact.nameComponents?.familyName ?? ""
    let nameSuffix = contact.nameComponents?.nameSuffix ?? ""
    let middleName = contact.nameComponents?.middleName ?? ""
    let namePrefix = contact.nameComponents?.namePrefix ?? ""
    let emailAddress = contact.lookupInfo?.emailAddress ?? ""
    let phoneNumber = contact.lookupInfo?.phoneNumber ?? ""

    let name = "\(nickname) - \(givenName) \(middleName) \(namePrefix) \(familyName) \(nameSuffix) - \(emailAddress) \(phoneNumber))"  // contact.userRecordID?.recordName
    return name.replacingOccurrences(of: "   ", with: " ").replacingOccurrences(of: "  ", with: " ")

func showNameFor9(_ contact: CKDiscoveredUserInfo) -> String {
    var firstName: String = ""
    var lastName: String = ""
    if #available(iOS 9.0, *) {
        firstName = contact.displayContact?.givenName ?? ""
        lastName = contact.displayContact?.familyName ?? ""
    } else {
        firstName = contact.firstName ?? ""
        lastName = contact.lastName ?? ""
    return "\(firstName) \(lastName)"
PPacie commented 7 years ago

Hi Edwin,

Yes, it seems that deprecation was the issue. Thank you very much.
