Open noobs2ninjas opened 7 years ago
I will give it another look...
On request here the workaround: You have to create a propertyConverter for that property. the decodeConverter will be called with an [[NSDictionary]]. In version 5.6.0 I added helper functions to convert it to [[YourObject]]. The code (from the unit tests) will look something like this:
class A81b: EVObject {
var array: [[A81]] = [[]]
override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
return [(key: "array",
decodeConverter: {
self.array = ($0 as? NSArray)?.nestedArrayMap { A81(dictionary: $0) } ?? [[]]
}, encodeConverter: { return self.array })]
class A81c: EVObject {
var array: [[[A81]]] = [[[]]]
override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
return [(key: "array",
decodeConverter: {
self.array = ($0 as? NSArray)?.doubleNestedArrayMap { A81(dictionary: $0) } ?? [[]]
}, encodeConverter: { return self.array })]
class A81d: EVObject {
// Skipping the triple, quadruple, quintuple nestedArrayMap and go strait to the sextuple
// You should not want something like this
var array: [[[[[[[A81]]]]]]] = [[[[[[[]]]]]]]
override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
return [(key: "array",
decodeConverter: {
self.array = ($0 as? NSArray)?.sextupleNestedArrayMap { A81(dictionary: $0) } ?? [[[[[[]]]]]]
}, encodeConverter: { return self.array })]
class A81: EVObject {
var openId: String = ""
Fyi, this fails for eg [[Double]], because Double doesn't get deserialized to an NSDictionary. Until something's fixed/changed, y'all, you can use some form of the following in the decodeConverter, taken from the definition nestedArrayMap:
self.array = (($0 as? NSArray)?.map {
(($0 as? NSArray)?.map {
$0 as? Double ?? 0.0
}) ?? []
I tried to reply to the old issue I had which had already been closed. I wish I hadnt been busy so I could have tested and replied to weather or not the issue had been fixed.
So, initializing a nested array has never really been initializing.
Specifically its when I try to access the data I get "fatal error: NSArray element failed to match the Swift Array Element type" on something like.
let dataModel = data[0][0][0]
Inspecting the data has on crash..the first nested array looks fine. Its the arrays inside that, that remain "_NSDictionaryM *".
In otherwords I see [0] = ([[App.MyDataModel])) -> [0] = ([App.MyDataModel]) -> [0] = (_NSDictionaryM *)