evermeer / EVReflection

Reflection based (Dictionary, CKRecord, NSManagedObject, Realm, JSON and XML) object mapping with extensions for Alamofire and Moya with RxSwift or ReactiveSwift
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Cant Parse Dynamic object like array string and dictonary #317

Closed maulikshah09 closed 4 years ago

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Language : Swift version : 5.0

Response from server

    "status": "success",
    "code": 200,
    "message": "Data received successfully",
    "data": [
            "PId": 1,
            "PharmacyName": "Xyz",
            "ContactPerson": "test",
            "EmailId": "ZYZ@gmail.com",
            "PhoneNumer": "1234567890",
            "Address1": "test",
            "Address2": "test",
            "City": "test",
            "EntryDate": "2020-06-06T11:05:59.42",
            "ModifyDate": "2020-06-06T11:05:59.42",
            "UserId": 1,
            "IsDelete": false
            "PId": 2,
            "PharmacyName": "ZZZ",
            "ContactPerson": "ZZZ",
            "EmailId": "ZZz@gmail.com",
            "PhoneNumer": "1234567890",
            "Address1": "test",
            "Address2": "test",
            "City": "test",
            "EntryDate": "2020-06-06T11:05:32.967",
            "ModifyDate": "2020-06-06T11:05:32.967",
            "UserId": 1,
            "IsDelete": false

I have a the below model class

I have below model


protocol arrayorDictonary { }

extension Array: arrayorDictonary { }
extension Dictionary: arrayorDictonary { }

//empty model
class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject {
    var message = ""
    var status  = ""
    var code = 0
    var data : arrayorDictonary?
Alamofire.request(baseURL + urlMethod , method: method ,parameters: nil, encoding: JSONEncoding.default, headers:headerDic as? HTTPHeaders).responseObject {(response : DataResponse<EmptyModelWithData>) in
            let statusCode = response.response?.statusCode
            if response.result.value != nil {

and i get the following warning: while doing this

WARNING: The class 'EmptyModelWithData' is not key value coding-compliant for the key 'data' There is no support for optional type, array of optionals or enum properties. As a workaround you can implement the function 'setValue forUndefinedKey' for this. See the unit tests for more information

Note: Data is not specific type. some time data is array. some time data is dictionary. and sometime it would be string. so i create protocol but not working

I hope I get solution from here..

Thank you so much..

evermeer commented 4 years ago

your data property should be an array of objects like this: var data : [Pharmacy]? And your Pharmacy object would look like:

class Pharmacy: EVObject {
   var Pid: NSNumber?
   var PharmacyName: String?
   var ContactPerson: String?
  //rest of vars

Since there is support for single object to array this should work if you only get 1 pharmacy as an object instead of an array

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

your data property should be an array of objects like this: var data : [Pharmacy]? And your Pharmacy object would look like:

class Pharmacy: EVObject {
   var Pid: NSNumber?
   var PharmacyName: String?
   var ContactPerson: String?
  //rest of vars

Since there is support for single object to array this should work if you only get 1 pharmacy as an object instead of an array

Sir my data variable is not fixed...sometime it's array..sometime it's string or sometime it's dictionary..when i work on codable decodable it's working fine..also I tried any and anyobject but not working

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

If i work with codable then it's working fine.

class EmptyModelWithData: Codable {
   var message = ""
   var status = ""
   var code = 0
   var data: ParseType?

enum ParseType: Codable {
   case stringValue(String)
   case arrayValue([String])
   init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
       let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()

       if let values = try? container.decode(String.self) {
           self = .stringValue(values)
       if let values = try? container.decode([String].self) {
           self = .arrayValue(values)

       throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(ParseType.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type"))

   func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
       var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
       switch self {
       case let .stringValue(x):
           try container.encode(x)
       case let .arrayValue(x):
           try container.encode(x)
evermeer commented 4 years ago

Ah, then I think a property converter would be the way to go. Below is a code snipped that you could use. You probably have to finetune it.

class EmptyModelWithData: EVObject {
   var message: String? 
   var status: String?
   var code: NSNumber?
   var data: ParseType?

    override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
        return [( key: "data", decodeConverter: {
           if let d = $0 as? String {
            self.data = ParseType(d)
           } else if let d = $0 as? NSArray {
             self.data - PareType(d)
           } else if let d = $0 as? NSDictionary {
             self.data - PareType(d)
        },  encodeConverter: {
            return self.data

here the propertyConverters function will return a decodeConverter for the data element. This means that when the data element should be parsed it will use that function. It will have a parameter of type Any which comes from the raw json serialization. So indeed it could be a NSArray, NSDictionary or a simple type like String. So the code just checks the type by casting it and then creating the right enum for it.

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Didn't get you... please provide me model.. so i can move ahead .. I think you can't understand my question.

One more time Explain you....

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject {
    var message = ""
    var status  = ""
    var code = 0
    var data :  // array dictionay or string or  something else. Don't know the type 

I give you example for understanding..

1 ) if response is array

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject { var message = "" var status = "" var code = 0 var data : then auto add this array type }

2) if response is string then

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject { var message = "" var status = "" var code = 0 var data : "" }

data variable type is not fixed.if you have proper solution then provide me..I waste my 5 days to solve this issue.Please provide me proper model of EVOBject.

evermeer commented 4 years ago

I updated my previous command so that it shows more of the model an dI added a comment

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Don't want codable ... I want using EVOBject...I have solved with codable

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

If i work with codable then it's working fine.

class EmptyModelWithData: Codable {
   var message = ""
   var status = ""
   var code = 0
   var data: ParseType?

enum ParseType: Codable {
   case stringValue(String)
   case arrayValue([String])
   init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
       let container = try decoder.singleValueContainer()

       if let values = try? container.decode(String.self) {
           self = .stringValue(values)
       if let values = try? container.decode([String].self) {
           self = .arrayValue(values)

       throw DecodingError.typeMismatch(ParseType.self, DecodingError.Context(codingPath: decoder.codingPath, debugDescription: "Wrong type"))

   func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
       var container = encoder.singleValueContainer()
       switch self {
       case let .stringValue(x):
           try container.encode(x)
       case let .arrayValue(x):
           try container.encode(x)

Check this answer ... I have already Solved using Codable .. I want this using EVObject..

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Please help me To go ahead I Stuck Here... My client is reviewing my code that's why I Finding a solution otherwise I go with codable.. Data is Generic Data type...

i want like this

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject { var message = "" var status = "" var code = 0 var data : Genric datatype --> it's store dictionary ,array or something else }

evermeer commented 4 years ago

What do you mean? This should work:

class EmptyModelWithData: EVObject {
   var message: String? 
   var status: String?
   var code: NSNumber?
   var data: ParseType?

    override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
        return [( key: "data", decodeConverter: {
           if let d = $0 as? String {
            self.data = ParseType(d)
           } else if let d = $0 as? NSArray {
             self.data - PareType(d)
           } else if let d = $0 as? NSDictionary {
             self.data - PareType(d)
        },  encodeConverter: {
            return self.data
maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Yes I have solved my issue using following code:

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject {
    var message = ""
    var status  = ""
    var code = 00
    var data: Any?

    override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
        return [( key: "data", decodeConverter: {
            if let d = $0 as? String {
                self.data = d as AnyObject
            } else if let d = $0 as? NSArray {
                self.data = d
            } else if let d = $0 as? NSDictionary {
                self.data = d
        },  encodeConverter: {
            return self.data
evermeer commented 4 years ago

But then if you use any, you don't have to cast. This would be good enough:

class EmptyModelWithData : EVObject {
    var message = ""
    var status  = ""
    var code = 00
    var data: Any?

    override func propertyConverters() -> [(key: String, decodeConverter: ((Any?) -> ()), encodeConverter: (() -> Any?))] {
        return [( key: "data", decodeConverter: {
                self.data = $0
        },  encodeConverter: {
            return self.data

I wonder if you need a property converter at all when you use Any? Or maybe you would not need it when its of NSObject?

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

I have stuck Here. don't know what is the solution I have to converted In any But when I pass this model to main view controller then I want to convert on model... Is it possible..

data(Any) if array then convert


let arrPharmacy : [PharmacyInfo]?

data(Any) if dictionary then


let arrPharmacy : PharmacyInfo?

class PharmacyInfo{
    var Address1 = ""
    var Address2 = ""
    var City = ""
    var ContactPerson = ""
    var EmailId = ""
    var EntryDate = ""
    var IsDelete = ""
    var ModifyDate = ""
    var PId = ""
    var PharmacyName = ""
    var honeNumer = ""
    var serId = ""
maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Please reply on this...

evermeer commented 4 years ago

EVObject has an init with dictionary an Array as an init with dictionaryArray. So if you make the base class of PharmacyInfo EVObject then you could do this: var myPI = PharmacyInfo(dictionary: theDictionary) or var myPIarray = [PharmacyInfo](dictionaryArray: theDictionaryArray)

maulikshah09 commented 4 years ago

Finally i got my solution...THanks...