evert-arias / EasyButton

Arduino library for debouncing momentary contact switches, detect press, release, long press and sequences with event definitions and callbacks.
MIT License
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A note on the example of Interrupts, solve "Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1)" #89

Open wanggaoteng opened 6 months ago

wanggaoteng commented 6 months ago

For the example of Interrupts, namely, the code in EasyButton\examples\Interrupts, I must add some time consuming code or a delay in loop(), such as: image

The code can avoid the error: Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (Interrupt wdt timeout on CPU1) 1

If I do not add some time consuming code or a delay in loop(), namely, use a very short code instead, such as digitalWrite(13, HIGH); the error above can not be solved by the non-time consuming code.

I don't know why, I tested all afternoon and obtained the above conclusion.

P.S. My board are esp32 and esp32-s3, I test both of them.