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Cookbook for Netflix Exhibitor
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Can't run apt-get update before installation of chef-exhibitor #25

Closed spuder closed 8 years ago

spuder commented 8 years ago

If you attempt to install chef-exhibitor, it needs to install 'patch'.

Because the cookbook uses end.run_action(:install) on the 'patch' installation resource, this makes it so that the patch resource is installed before anything else.

This causes a big problem if you haven't run apt-get update yet. Adding the 'apt' resource to your run list won't work around the issue because the end.run_action(:install) short circuits the run list completely, making it impossible to run apt first.

Additional information on why end.run_action(:install) causes problems.

https://www.chef.io/blog/2013/09/04/demystifying-common-idioms-in-chef-recipes/ https://gist.github.com/spuder/42e9b94bf557520458fa#file-output-txt-L279

Unless there is a real need for this, I think it should be taken out and the 'patch' resource should just be installed during the normal execution run.

I haven't been able to find a work around to this issue besides ssh-ing into each node one by one and running apt-get update before provisioning.

spuder commented 8 years ago


spuder commented 8 years ago

It too late now, but I might have found a work around as mentioned in this ticket. https://github.com/SimpleFinance/chef-zookeeper/pull/153

Putting this in the role/wrapper cookbook might have caused apt to update before the 'patch' resource was installed.

default['apt']['compile_time_update'] = true
jeffbyrnes commented 8 years ago

@spuder while that would have worked around this, your suggestion in #26 was a far better solution. Avoiding doing things during compilation is a Good Thing™.

spuder commented 8 years ago

I thought I had this fixed, but I was mistaken. Because this cookbook (and the zookeeper cookbook) both depend on build-essential cookbook, and the build-essential cookbook does the same thing where it installs packages in the compilation phase, the problem remains.

         E: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?
         ---- End output of apt-get -q -y install build-essential=11.6ubuntu6 ----
         Ran apt-get -q -y install build-essential=11.6ubuntu6 returned 100

         Cookbook Trace:

           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/libraries/timing.rb:113:in `each'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/libraries/timing.rb:113:in `method_missing'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/_debian.rb:24:in `block in from_file'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/libraries/timing.rb:104:in `instance_eval'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/libraries/timing.rb:104:in `evaluate'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/libraries/timing.rb:47:in `potentially_at_compile_time'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/_debian.rb:20:in `from_file'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/build-essential/recipes/default.rb:21:in `from_file'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/zookeeper/recipes/install.rb:32:in `from_file'
           /tmp/kitchen/cookbooks/exhibitor/recipes/default.rb:24:in `from_file'

         Relevant File Content:

         107:        def method_missing(m, *args, &block)

         109:          if resource.is_a?(Chef::Resource)
         110:            actions = Array(resource.action)
         111:            resource.action(:nothing)
         113:            actions.each do |action|
         114>>             resource.run_action(action)
         115:            end
         116:          end
         117:          resource
         118:        end

         120:    end
         121:  end
         123:  # Include the timing module into the main recipe DSL

I think the only course of action is to either change the build-essential cookbook to install during execution phase (to be honest, I don't want to go down that rabbit hole), Or document apt.compile_time_update = true in the readme.

Not sure why others aren't hitting this problem. Maybe they use aws and the instances always have a recent apt cache.

jeffbyrnes commented 8 years ago

@spuder thankfully, I’m shipping a new release of the zookeeper cookbook very shortly that sets this node['apt']['compile_time'] = true. I’ll also add it to this cookbook, to cover the potential future eventuality where this cookbook is decoupled from zookeeper. Stand by!

jeffbyrnes commented 8 years ago

@spuder ok, zookeeper v3.0.1 should do the trick for you.

spuder commented 8 years ago

Excellent. Thanks so much. Just tested 3.0.1 in testkitchen and it indeed did work properly.