evervault / node-secureworker

Run JavaScript inside an Intel SGX Enclave as easily as using a Web Worker
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
102 stars 16 forks source link

Implement report and remote attestation commands outside enclave #6

Open mitar opened 7 years ago

mitar commented 7 years ago

Remote attestation commands can probably simply implemented in JavaScript. Report generation should probably be C/C++, but outside of enclave.

Remote attestation needs a key pair. I would provide one default with the package, but users should be able to set their own.

Remote attestation should use protocol V2 which returns a signed statement by Intel, and then validation of remote attestation should validate that statement.

mitar commented 7 years ago

Report implemented, but it is failing in non-mock implementation. One argument does not seem to be to the SGX liking (based on the error returned).

mitar commented 7 years ago

Report fixed and works now.