eververas / 3DGazeNet

Official repo of the paper 3DGazeNet: Generalizing Gaze Estimation with Weak-Supervision from Synthetic Views
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3D face with eyeballs #6

Open Echo-jyt opened 3 months ago

Echo-jyt commented 3 months ago

Thanks for your excellent work. I want to know how to output a 3D face with eyeballs. I would be very grateful if you could answer me

eververas commented 2 months ago

Hello. 3DGazeNet only produces meshes for the eyes. If you need meshes for the face you will need to use an additional model such as RetinaFace https://github.com/deepinsight/insightface. You can then adjust the depth of the eyes predicted from 3DGazeNet, to match your predicted 3D face mesh, assuming that both the eyes and face are in the image space. (RetinaFace produces 3D face meshes in the image space)