When I try to get ast from not debot contracts it works well! But with debot contract I have this error:
$ everdev sol ast gameDebot.sol
Exception during output generation: C:\jenkins\workspace\Builder\services\Sol2TVM\sol2tvm-8631\sol2tvm\pub\compiler\libsolidity\interface\CompilerStack.cpp(1148): Throw in function const struct solidity::frontend::CompilerStack::Source &__cdecl solidity::frontend::CompilerStack::source(const class std::basic_string<char,struct std::char_traits<char>,class std::allocator<char> > &) const
Dynamic exception type: class boost::exception_detail::clone_impl<struct solidity::langutil::CompilerError>
std::exception::what: Given source file not found.
[struct solidity::util::tag_comment * __ptr64] = Given source file not found.
P.S. Error was on Windows. On Ubuntu working fine.
When I try to get ast from not debot contracts it works well! But with debot contract I have this error:
P.S. Error was on Windows. On Ubuntu working fine.