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Parameter list API (ex cuisinetype) #206

Closed everycook closed 9 years ago

everycook commented 9 years ago

We need a way to get a list of all cuisine types and subtypes with IDs. So we can use the IDs to filter in the recipe search.

Input Variables: Lang: mandatory Cuisine type: optional (all if not selected) Sub_Cuisine type: optional (all if not selected)

Output: List of cuisines with sub and subsub cuisines if not narrowed by optional input variables. With img_url of course.

tbuerki commented 9 years ago

This one needs a bit of thought first. Why not have an overall "parameters"-call, which you send at the beginning and it gives you the available parameters for the search api call? We also have rec_type as input for the search api where a third party would also first have to get the available options. And then the return should be for each of the parameters a list with the name in the desired language plus the ID. on a side note, image urls are perfect example for what will later probably be a premium feature and not accessible with free api.

everycook commented 9 years ago

Good suggestion. Let's call the API /searchparams and so it can grow with its future requirements. with no option you get a full array of the variables available to limit search. but you can also call a list of each one (like cuisine) by adding the "cuisine" option.

swerder commented 9 years ago

The api is done, and active on testsystem: http://everycook.org/db_wsd/api/searchCategories?token=everycook http://everycook.org/db_wsd/api/searchCategories?token=everycook&type=rec_cuisine http://everycook.org/db_wsd/api/searchCategories?token=everycook&type=rec_sub_cuisine&rec_cuisine=1

everycook commented 9 years ago

please put in on the production system

everycook commented 9 years ago

Having an option to send type=all_cuisine resulting in an answer having the whole cuisine/subcuisine/subsubcuisine tree would be great.

swerder commented 9 years ago

now for "all" categories/types that have subTypes you can add the param "tree=1" and it will return the tree of data down from selected type: example link on test: http://www.everycook.org/db_wsd/api/searchCategories?token=everycook&type=rec_cuisine&tree=1

swerder commented 9 years ago

currently filtering data when using tree option is NOT possible, it will always show all data.

everycook commented 9 years ago


everycook commented 9 years ago


swerder commented 9 years ago

added difficulty: http://everycook.org/db/api/searchCategories?token=everycook&type=difficulty