We have a variety of reports to make sure that the Heads of Government information in Wikidata is consistent across three different ways it could be added. However, if a country gets a new HoG, and no-one updates any of those three in Wikidata, it will be consistently wrong. So we also scrape the Wikipedia "Heads of State and Government" page to https://morph.io/everypolitician-scrapers/heads-of-government-wikipedia, and want to be able to compare that against what's in Wikidata:
SELECT DISTINCT ?item ?itemLabel ?office ?officeLabel ?officeholder ?officeholderLabel
?item wdt:P31 wd:Q6256 .
?item wdt:P1313 ?office .
OPTIONAL { ?office wdt:P1308 ?officeholder . }
SERVICE wikibase:label { bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }
ORDER BY ?itemLabel
An acceptable first version of this would report solely on which people have been added/removed, but the fuller version should be able to show the country+office as well.
We have a variety of reports to make sure that the Heads of Government information in Wikidata is consistent across three different ways it could be added. However, if a country gets a new HoG, and no-one updates any of those three in Wikidata, it will be consistently wrong. So we also scrape the Wikipedia "Heads of State and Government" page to https://morph.io/everypolitician-scrapers/heads-of-government-wikipedia, and want to be able to compare that against what's in Wikidata:
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