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Japan (Shūgiin): refresh areas #165913

Open everypoliticianbot opened 5 years ago

everypoliticianbot commented 5 years ago

Automated refresh of areas for Japan - Shūgiin


Switched to a new branch 'japan-house-of-representatives-1561418788'
23:28:01 Validating CSVs
23:28:02 Refetching sources/morph/areas.csv
23:28:02 Adding memberships from sources/morph/official-48.csv
    ⚠ Missing area UUID mapping
23:28:02 Adding memberships from sources/archive/official-47.csv
    ⚠ Missing area UUID mapping
23:28:02 Adding memberships from sources/archive/official-vanished.csv
    ⚠ Missing area UUID mapping
23:28:02 Merging with sources/morph/wikidata.csv
    * 264 of 768 unmatched
    {:id=>"Q17160669", :name=>"Hirofumi Takinami"}
    {:id=>"Q337446", :name=>"Fusae Ōta"}
    {:id=>"Q7426404", :name=>"Satoshi Inoue"}
    {:id=>"Q8060488", :name=>"Yuichiro Uozumi"}
    {:id=>"Q11576938", :name=>"Tomoko Tamura"}
    {:id=>"Q11671042", :name=>"Katsunori Takahashi"}
    {:id=>"Q3056615", :name=>"Eriko Imai"}
    {:id=>"Q1620290", :name=>"Hiroshi Yamada"}
    {:id=>"Q465290", :name=>"Renhō"}
    {:id=>"Q16295188", :name=>"Matsuji Nakaizumi"}
23:28:04 Merging with sources/morph/genderbalance.csv
23:28:04 Generating legacy_id file
23:28:05 Verifying sources/merged.csv
23:28:05 Converting to Popolo
23:28:05 Adding term information
23:28:05 Adding area information
23:28:05 Adding election information
23:28:05 Adding party information
23:28:06 Creating termfiles
23:28:06 Creating names.csv
23:28:07 Creating unstable/positions.csv
    ⚠ using old-style local cabinet position list
  ☇ No dates for OZAWA Ichiro (Q459998) as Minister of Home Affairs
  ☇ No dates for OKADA Katsuya (Q513317) as Minister for Foreign Affairs
  ☇ No dates for SHIBAYAMA Masahiko (Q6782350) as Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan
  ☇ No dates for KOMURA Masahiko (Q697969) as Minister of Defense of Japan
  ⁕ skipped 19 x Q1078482 (Chief Cabinet Secretary) — e.g. Q101137
  ⁕ skipped 7 x Q11595924 (Q11595924) — e.g. Q212305
  ⁕ skipped 5 x Q1575411 (Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission) — e.g. Q1133360
Persons matched to Wikidata: 504 ✓ | 63 ✘
  No wikidata: KOMATSU Yutaka (918be601-a3ca-42ff-880d-ccfba07e539b)
  No wikidata: SUKEDA Shigeyoshi (f8252259-a0ac-4e55-8214-224538603886)
  No wikidata: ITO Nobuhisa (cebfd695-c5bb-4fe9-9e0d-6decb9ea5ea4)
  No wikidata: FUKUSHIMA Nobuyuki (124e6211-1fc8-447d-9c5c-b28de6e32e09)
  No wikidata: KIUCHI Takatane (8dd72238-6a23-4a0e-8877-7f40a44e6bb6)
  No wikidata: KOYAMA Nobuhiro (263cb26a-f40e-4a59-953a-12bf1a4420a8)
  No wikidata: OTA Kazumi (aa8f65e5-cbcf-4f0e-b0ed-0fd7587196ac)
  No wikidata: SHIMADA Yoshikazu (6146708d-f5d8-40c4-bc4f-3cd189e9b6af)
  No wikidata: TOYOTA Mayuko (c461fd54-337a-4746-a696-5d325973febe)
  No wikidata: SAKAMOTO Yunosuke (4d222c83-1e67-4b4f-9633-d33a89b1975d)
Areas matched to Wikidata: 297 ✓ | 10 ✘
  No wikidata: Minami Kanto Bloc (minami_kanto_bloc)
  No wikidata: Chiba 10th District (chiba_10th_district)
  No wikidata: Chugoku Bloc (chugoku_bloc)
  No wikidata: Shikoku Bloc (shikoku_bloc)
  No wikidata: Tokai Bloc (tokai_bloc)
  No wikidata: Kyushu Bloc (kyushu_bloc)
  No wikidata: Hokuriku-Shinetsu Bloc (hokuriku-shinetsu_bloc)
  No wikidata: Kinki Bloc (kinki_bloc)
  No wikidata: Tohoku Bloc (tohoku_bloc)
  No wikidata: Kita Kanto Bloc (kita_kanto_bloc)
Parties matched to Wikidata: 11 ✓ | 1 ✘
  No wikidata: * (*)
Terms matched to Wikidata: 2 ✓ 
  ☢  morph/official-48.csv has not been updated for 251 days
  ☢  morph/terms.csv has not been updated for 254 days
  ☢  morph/cabinet.csv has not been updated for 249 days
[japan-house-of-representatives-1561418788 21c065e] Japan: Refresh from upstream changes
 3 files changed, 340 insertions(+), 329 deletions(-)
 rewrite data/Japan/House_of_Representatives/sources/morph/areas.csv (61%)
remote: Create a pull request for 'japan-house-of-representatives-1561418788' on GitHub by visiting:        
remote:      https://github.com/everypolitician/everypolitician-data/pull/new/japan-house-of-representatives-1561418788        
everypoliticianbot commented 5 years ago

Summary of changes in data/Japan/House_of_Representatives/ep-popolo-v1.0.json:



No people added


No people removed

Name Changes

No name changes

Additional Name Changes

No name changes

Wikidata Changes

No changes



No organizations added


No organizations removed



No memberships added


No memberships removed