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Guatemala (Congress) -- disappearing members and parties #25282

Open ondenman opened 7 years ago

ondenman commented 7 years ago

Problem with Incoming Data


Guatemala (Congress)


Lots of membership changes. Statement count down. Party names changing. Members being removed.

Steps to be taken

ondenman commented 7 years ago

Description updated.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

The scraper is only picking up term 8. Looks like we're losing term 7.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

158 members are being added to term 8. 158 members are being removed from term 7. 162 members are being removed from term 7.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

The term is hardcoded in the scraper. Term 7 data no longer exists on morph.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

Many members have an incorrect birth date. For example:

325,Alsider Antonio Arias Rodríguez,FCN,FCN,8,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/manager/images/C3FB6058-38D8-7A18-FC66-797FC6D77297.jpg,Chimaltenango,2016-01-19,,congreso@congreso.gob.gt,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/perfiles.php?id=325
326,Héctor Melvyn Caná Rivera,UNE,UNE,8,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/manager/images/C86388D4-51F5-6988-6F58-798C92F28DDC.jpg,Chimaltenango,2016-01-19,,congreso@congreso.gob.gt,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/perfiles.php?id=326
327,Víctor Manuel Estrada Orellana,PP,Reformador,8,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/manager/images/EA3D3649-2E56-C564-B1AB-7994971286BF.jpg,El Progreso,2016-01-19,,congreso@congreso.gob.gt,http://www.congreso.gob.gt/perfiles.php?id=327
ondenman commented 7 years ago

Email and area columns are empty in latest data. Also, birth date.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

There are fewer term 8 rows in the latest incoming data than term 8 rows in the live data. It's possible that some term 8 members need to be added to the archive.

ondenman commented 7 years ago

I've archived term 7 members in: https://github.com/everypolitician/everypolitician-data/pull/30356