evesdropper / luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim

A set of preconfigured snippets for LaTeX for the snippet engine LuaSnip.
MIT License
66 stars 8 forks source link

Plug in not working as expected #2

Open Mattio-cmd opened 9 months ago

Mattio-cmd commented 9 months ago

So i installed this plugin plus all the following:

    ● alpha-nvim 0.59ms 
    ● bufferline.nvim 0.26ms 
    ● cmp-nvim-lsp 0.21ms 
    ● cmp_luasnip 0.16ms 
    ● completion-nvim 0.38ms 
    ● impatient.nvim 0.32ms 
    ● indent-blankline.nvim 0.25ms 
    ● kanagawa.nvim 0.16ms 
    ● lazy.nvim 2.35ms  init.lua
    ● lspkind-nvim 0.04ms 
    ● lspsaga.nvim 0.39ms 
    ● lualine.nvim 0.35ms  
    ● LuaSnip 2.83ms  luasnip.loaders.from_lua  luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim
    ● luasnip-latex-snippets.nvim 4.34ms 
    ● markdown-preview.nvim 0.47ms  
    ● nerdcommenter 1.25ms  
    ● nvim-autopairs 0.22ms  
    ● nvim-cmp 1.17ms  
    ● nvim-colorizer.lua 0.09ms 
    ● nvim-lspconfig 4.08ms 
    ● nvim-tree.lua 0.28ms 
    ● nvim-treesitter 3.48ms  
    ● nvim-web-devicons 0.17ms  bufferline.nvim
    ● plenary.nvim 0.22ms  telescope.nvim
    ● sniprun 1.08ms 
    ● symbols-outline.nvim 0.25ms
    ● telescope.nvim 0.77ms 
    ● tex-conceal.vim 0.2ms 
    ● vimtex 0.29ms 
    ● yuck.vim 0.22ms 

and my issue is that every time I open a .tex file, the snippets dont appear. I also have lsp+texlab configured, so i dont know how the issue appears.

zmochi commented 3 months ago

I'm having the same issue. Only commands from commands.lua and environments.lua seem to work, and I can't figure out why.