eveseat / seat

🌀✳️ SeAT: A Simple, EVE Online API Tool and Corporation Manager
GNU General Public License v2.0
425 stars 143 forks source link

language Chinese #166

Closed zylx0532 closed 7 years ago

zylx0532 commented 7 years ago

Maybe me updata chinese lang. not finish.

`<?php /* This file is part of SeAT

Copyright (C) 2015, 2016 Leon Jacobs

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */

return [

// General
'home'                  => '首页',
'character'             => 'Character|Characters',
'corporation'           => 'Corporation|Corporations',
'user'                  => 'User|Users',
'last_update'           => '刷新时间',
'unknown'               => 'Unknown',
'note'                  => 'Note',
'name'                  => 'Name|Names',
'granted'               => 'Granted',
'denied'                => 'Denied',
'enabled'               => '启用',
'disabled'              => '禁用',
'username'              => '用户名',
'email'                 => 'Email',
'close'                 => 'Close',
'date'                  => 'Date',
'status'                => '状态',
'id'                    => 'ID|IDs',
'type'                  => 'Type|Types',
'expiry'                => '过期',
'never'                 => 'Never',
'detail'                => 'Detail|Details',
'delete'                => '删除',
'kill'                  => 'Kill',
'verify'                => 'Verify',
'reset'                 => 'Reset',
'back'                  => 'Back',
'summary'               => '摘要',
'quantity'              => 'Quantity',
'volume'                => 'Volume',
'group'                 => 'Group',
'owner'                 => 'Owner',
'description'           => '描述',
'labels'                => 'Labels',
'created'               => '创建',
'issuer'                => 'Issuer',
'title'                 => '标题|Titles',
'price'                 => '收款',
'reward'                => '付款',
'collateral'            => '押金',
'location'              => '位置',
'filter'                => 'Filter|Filters',
'clear'                 => 'Clear',
'none'                  => 'None',
'permission'            => 'Permission|Permissions',
'affiliation'           => 'Affiliation|Affiliations',
'role'                  => '角色|Roles',
'edit'                  => 'Edit',
'remove'                => 'Remove',
'yes'                   => 'Yes',
'no'                    => 'No',
'update'                => 'Update',
'action'                => 'Action',
'key'                   => 'Key',
'log'                   => 'Log|Logs',
'view'                  => 'View',
'item'                  => 'Item|Items',
'usage'                 => 'Usage',
'unit'                  => 'Unit|Units',
'add'                   => 'Add',
'all'                   => 'All',
'inverse'               => 'Inverse',
'read'                  => 'Read',
'level'                 => 'Level',

// Requirements
'requirements'          => 'Requirements',
'requirements_message'  => 'The following list shows missing PHP extentions. Please install' .
    ' them first before you can continue.',
'php_version'           => 'PHP Version',
'php_version_message'   => 'The installed version of PHP does not meet the minimum version' .
    ' requirement for SeAT. Please upgrade your PHP installation.',
'installed_version'     => 'Installed Version',
'min_version'           => 'Minimum Version',
'admin_contact_warning' => 'An administrative contact for this install has not been set.' .
    ' No jobs will be queued because of this. Please configure it in the SeAT settings.',
'sso_email_warning'     => 'This profile is using an auto generated email addres due to it ' .
    ' being an EVE SSO login. Please set a valid email address in your profile settings.',
'sso_activation'        => 'SSO Activation',
'sso_confirmation'      => 'It appears you already own an account. Please confirm your credentials in order to enable SSO.',

// Auth
'failed'                => 'These credentials do not match our records.',
'throttle'              => 'Too many login attempts. Please try again in :seconds seconds.',
'login_welcome'         => 'Welcome, please enter your credentials.',
'remember_me'           => 'Remember me',
'password'              => 'Password',
'password_again'        => 'Password Again',
'forgot'                => 'I forgot my password',
'register'              => 'Register a new membership',
'sign_in'               => 'Sign In',
'mfa_welcome'           => 'Please enter an Authentication Code to proceed.',
'mfa'                   => 'Multifactor Auth',
'email_verify'          => 'Email Verification',
'email_verify_welcome'  => 'Please enter a valid email address for your account.',

// Registration
'new_account'           => 'New Account',
'register_welcome'      => 'Please choose a username and a strong password.',
'register_eve_warn'     => 'Do not use the same password that you use to log onto Eve Online',
'existing_account'      => 'I already have an account',
'register_account'      => 'Register Account',

// Passwords
'password_reset'        => 'Password Reset',
'reset_welcome'         => 'Please enter the email address for the account whos password should be reset.',
'remember'              => 'I remember my credentials',
'reset_topic'           => 'Reset Password',
'reset_token_welcome'   => 'Please enter the email and new password.',

// Header
'toggle_navigation'     => 'Toggle Navigation',
'queued'                => 'Queued',
'working'               => 'Working',
'joined'                => 'Joined',
'profile'               => 'Profile',
'sign_out'              => 'Sign Out',
'stop_impersonation'    => 'Stop Impersonation',

// Notifications
'error'                 => 'Error',
'success'               => 'Success',
'warning'               => 'Warning',
'notice'                => 'Notice',
'info'                  => 'Info',

// Menu
'api_key_management'    => 'API Key 管理',
'add_api_key'           => '新增API',
'list_keys'             => 'API列表',
'all_char'              => '所有角色',
'mail_timeline'         => 'Mail Timeline',
'all_corp'              => '所有军团',
'configuration'         => '配置',
'access'                => '权限管理',
'other'                 => '其他',
'tools'                 => '工具',
'security_logs'         => '安全日志',
'import'                => '导入API',
'settings'              => 'SeAT设置',
'schedule'              => '计划任务',
'no_main_char'          => 'No Main Character',
'hello'                 => 'Hello',
'online'                => '在线',
'search'                => 'Search',
'main_menu'             => '主菜单',
'security'              => 'Security',
'tracking'              => '跟踪',
'worker_constraints'    => 'Worker Constraints',

'assets'                      => '资产',
'calendar'                    => 'Calendar',
'channels'                    => 'Channels',
'contacts'                    => '联系人',
'contracts'                   => '合同',
'industry'                    => '工业',
'intel'                       => 'Intel',
'killmails'                   => 'Killmails',
'mail'                        => '邮件',
'market'                      => '市场',
'notifications'               => '通知',
'pi'                          => '行星开发',
'research'                    => '研究',
'sheet'                       => 'Sheet',
'skills'                      => '技能',
'standings'                   => '声望',
'wallet_journal'              => '钱包日志',
'wallet_transactions'         => '钱包交易',

// 仪表盘
'home_page'                   => 'The Home Page',
'dashboard'                   => '仪表盘',
'online_layers'               => '在线玩家数',
'owned_api_keys'              => 'API总数',
'total_character_isk'         => 'Total Character ISK',
'total_character_skillpoints' => 'Total Character Skillpoints',
'total_killmails'             => 'Total Killmails',
'main_char_skills'            => ':character_name\'s Skills',
'main_char_skills_per_level'  => 'Skills Per Level',
'main_char_skills_coverage'   => 'Skills Coverage (in percent)',

// Api Keys
'api_key_add'                 => 'Add a New API Key',
'key_id'                      => 'Key ID',
'v_code'                      => 'Verification Code',
'check_key'                   => 'Check Key',
'api_new_key'                 => 'Create a New API Key',
'api_use_link'                => 'Use the following link to create a new API Key',
'api_full_link'               => 'Full API Key for All Characters',
'api_full_min_mask'           => 'API Key with minimum Mask needed',
'insufficient_access_mask'    => 'This API Key does not meet the minimum Access Mask required',
'api_key_info'                => 'API Key Info',
'api_key_type'                => 'API Key Type',
'api_access_mask'             => 'API Access Mask',
'api_add_type_key'            => 'Add :type Api Key',
'api_add_job'                 => 'Adding an Api Key will automatically queue a new update job for it',
'api_min_mask'                => 'Min. Mask',
'api_access'                  => 'Access',
'api_detail'                  => 'API Key Detail',
'api_key_status'              => 'API Key Status',
'api_job_update'              => 'Queue an Update Job',
'owner_info'                  => 'Owner Information',
'no_owner'                    => 'This API Key has no Owner',
'last_login'                  => 'Last Login',
'account_status'              => 'Account Status',
'transfer_ownership'          => 'Transfer Ownership',
'seat_user'                   => 'SeAT User',
'transfer'                    => 'Transfer',
'mask_map_fail'               => 'Unable to load the Access Mask map',
'recent_jobs'                 => 'Recent Jobs',
'scope'                       => 'Scope',
'api_all'                     => 'All API Keys',
'reveal'                      => 'Reveal',
'add_success'                 => 'Api Key Successfully Added. Update Job :jobid Dispatched',
're_enable'                   => 'Re-enable Key',
'disable'                     => 'Disable key',
'reenable_all_disabled'       => 'Re-enable all disabled keys',
'disable_all_enabled'         => 'Disable all enabled keys',
'joblog'                      => 'Job Log',

// People
'people_groups'               => 'People Groups',
'unaffiliated_keys'           => 'Unaffiliated Keys',
'add_to_existing'             => 'Add to Existing',
'add_to_existing_group'       => 'Add to Existing Group',
'group_main'                  => 'Group Main',
'new_group_with_main'         => 'New Group with :name as Main',

// Access
'access_mangement'            => 'Access Management',
'quick_add_role'              => 'Quick Add Role',
'role_name'                   => 'Role Name',
'add_new_role'                => 'Add New Role',
'available_roles'             => 'Available Roles',
'quick_add_user'              => 'Quick Add User',
'add_new_user'                => 'Add New User',
'edit_role'                   => 'Edit Role',
'available_permissions'       => 'Available Permissions',
'grant_permissions'           => 'Grant Permissions',
'inverse_permission'          => 'Inverse Permission',
'inverse_affiliation'         => 'Inverse Affiliation',
'current_permissions'         => 'Current Permissions',
'has_superuser'               => 'Has Superuser',
'permission_inherit'          => 'Inherits All Permissions',
'available_corporations'      => 'Available Corporations',
'available_characters'        => 'Available Characters',
'add_affiliations'            => 'Add Affiliations',
'current_affiliations'        => 'Current Affiliations',
'available_users'             => 'Available Users',
'add_user'                    => 'Add User|Add Users',
'current_users'               => 'Current Users',
'select_item_add'             => 'Select a Item to Add',
'impersonate'                 => 'Impersonate',
'edit_user'                   => 'Edit User',
'activate_user'               => 'Activate User',
'deactivate_user'             => 'Deactivate User',
'account_status_change'       => 'The account status has been changed',
'user_agent'                  => 'User Agent String',
'login_history'               => 'Login History',
'role_summary'                => 'Role Summary',
'user_updated'                => 'The user has been updated',
'user_deleted'                => 'The user has been deleted',
'self_delete_warning'         => 'You can not delete yourself!',
'impersonating'               => 'Impersonating :user',
'revert_impersonation'        => 'Impersonation Stopped',
'user_created'                => 'User Created',
'unauthorized_request'        => 'Unauthorized Request',
'unauthorized_request_logged' => 'This attempt has been logged.',

'role_added'                   => 'Role has been added',
'role_removed'                 => 'Role has been removed',
'permissions_granted'          => 'Permissions have been granted',
'permission_revoked'           => 'Permission has been revoked',
'user_added'                   => 'Users were added to this role',
'user_removed'                 => 'User has been removed from this role',
'affiliations_added'           => 'Affiliations were added to this role',
'affiliation_removed'          => 'Affiliation has been removed from this role',

// Import
'api_import_title'             => 'Import Eve Online API Keys',
'csv_data_source'              => 'CSV Data Source File',
'help'                         => 'Help',
'importing_csv_data'           => 'Import CSV Data',
'csv_format_explained'         => 'The file format for the CSV is keyID,vCode and sampled below',
'important_notes'              => 'Important Notes',
'curr_user_becomes_owner'      => 'The current user (:user) will become the owner of the API keys.',
'only_format_is_checked'       => 'Only API key format is checked here. No checking is done to ensure that ' .
    'minimum api masks are configured.',
'update_with_next_job'         => 'Key data will only populate once the next updater job comes by, or is manually started.',

// Schedule
'new_schedule'                 => 'New Schedule',
'available_commands'           => 'Available Commands',
'cron_expression'              => 'Cron Expression',
'current_schedule'             => 'Current Schedule',
'command'                      => 'Command',
'cron'                         => 'Cron',
'allow_overlap'                => 'Allow Overlap',
'allow_maintenance'            => 'Allow in Maintenance Mode',
'scheduled_commands'           => 'Scheduled Commands',
'choose_prepop'                => 'Choose a pre-populated cron expression, or write your own.',
'add_scheduled'                => 'Add Scheduled Command',

// Security
'category'                     => 'Category',
'message'                      => 'Message',
'source'                       => 'Source',

// Ledger
'ledger'                       => 'Wallet Ledger',
'bountyprizesbymonth'          => 'Bounty Prizes By Month',
'bountyprizetotal'             => 'Prize Total',
'pitotals'                     => 'PI Total Taxes',
'wallet_division_name'         => 'Wallet Division Name',
'wallet_summary'               => 'Wallet Summary|Wallet Summaries',

// Users
'user_management'              => 'User Management',

// Settings
'admin_email'                  => 'Administrator Email',
'admin_email_help'             => 'Please enter the email address of the administrator of this SeAT installation.',
'min_access_mask'              => 'Minimum Required Access Mask',
'min_character_access_mask'    => 'Minimum Required Character Access Mask',
'min_corporation_access_mask'  => 'Minimum Required Corporation Access Mask',
'force_min_mask'               => 'Force Min. Access Mask',
'registration'                 => 'Registration',
'single_signon'                => 'Eve Online Single Signon',
'admin_warn_sso'               => 'Double check you EVE_CLIENT_ID, EVE_CLIENT_SECRET and EVE_CALLBACK_URL' .
    ' values in the .env file as they may be empty or invalid. SSO can fail because of this!',
'allow_sso'                    => 'Allow Single Signon',
'allow_registration'           => 'Allow Registration',
'email_activation'             => 'Email Activation',
'require_activation'           => 'Require Email Activation',
'module_versions'              => 'SeAT Module Versions',
'tp_versions'                  => 'Third Party Versions',
'installed'                    => 'Installed',
'current'                      => 'Current',
'url'                          => 'Url',
'google_analytics'             => 'Google Analytics',
'allow_tracking'               => 'Allow Tracking',
'tracking_id'                  => 'Unique Tracking ID',
'tracking_help'                => 'Before disabling the usage tracking, please refer to the below' .
    ' document first.',
'worker'                       => 'Worker|Workers',

// Character
'joined_curr_corp'             => '加入当前公司',
'skillpoint'                   => '技能点|Skillpoints',
'account_balance'              => '钱包余额',
'current_ship'                 => '当前舰船',
'last_location'                => '最后位置',
'security_status'              => '安全等级',
'items_taking'                 => 'items taking',
'calendar_events'              => 'Calendar Events',
'positive_standings'           => 'Positive Standings',
'neutral_standings'            => 'Neutral Standings',
'negative_standings'           => 'Negative Standings',
'start'                        => 'Start',
'installer'                    => 'Installer',
'system'                       => 'System',
'activity'                     => 'Activity',
'run'                          => 'Run|Runs',
'blueprint'                    => 'Blueprint',
'product'                      => 'Product',
'victim'                       => 'Victim',
'ship_type'                    => 'Ship Type',
'transaction_type'             => 'Transaction Type',
'owner_1'                      => 'From',
'owner_2'                      => 'To',
'amount'                       => 'Amount',
'balance'                      => 'Balance',
'corporation_name'             => 'Corporation Name',
'from'                         => 'From',
'subject'                      => 'Subject',
'to'                           => 'To',
'to_corp_alliance'             => 'To Corporation / Alliance',
'to_char'                      => 'To Characters',
'total'                        => 'Total',
'updated'                      => 'Updated At',
'planet'                       => 'Planet',
'upgrade_level'                => 'Upgrade Level',
'no_pins'                      => '# Pins',
'agent'                        => 'Agent',
'skill'                        => 'Skill|Skills',
'points_p_day'                 => 'Points per Day',
'remainder'                    => 'Remainder',
'skills_summary'               => '技能概要',
'curr_training'                => '当前训练',
'skill_training_end'           => '当前技能剩余时间',
'skill_queue'                  => '技能队列',
'no_skill_training'            => '没有技能正在训练',
'empty_skill_queue'            => '技能队列为空',
'account_info'                 => '账户信息',
'paid_until'                   => 'Ω到期时间',
'logon_count'                  => '登录次数',
'online_time'                  => '在线时间',
'jump_fatigue'                 => '跳跃疲劳',
'jump_clones'                  => '克隆疲劳',
'jump_act_timer'               => 'Jump Activiation Timer',
'no_jump_clones'               => 'No Jump Clones',
'implants'                     => '脑插',
'no_implants'                  => '没有脑插',
'employment_history'           => '雇佣记录',
'corporation_titles'           => '公司头衔',
'item_type'                    => 'Item Type',
'client_name'                  => 'Client Name',
'client'                       => 'Client',
'qty'                          => '#',
'unknown_character'            => 'Unknown Character. Is the API Key on record and updated?',
'no_account_info'              => 'No Account Information Available',
'channel_members'              => 'Channel Members',
'motd'                         => 'MoTD',
'bookmark'                     => '位标|Bookmarks',
'coordinates'                  => 'Coordinates',
'folder'                       => 'Folder',
'skills_graph'                 => 'Skills Graph',

// Character Intel
'loading_journal'              => 'Loading Journal Entries ...',
'loading_transactions'         => 'Loading Transaction Entries ...',
'loading_mail'                 => 'Loading Mail Entries...',

// Corporation
'alliance'                     => 'Alliance',
'ticker'                       => 'Ticker',
'ceo'                          => 'CEO',
'home_station'                 => 'Home Station',
'tax_rate'                     => 'Tax Rate',
'member_count'                 => 'Member Count',
'roles_change_log'             => 'Roles Change Log',
'affected'                     => 'Affected',
'member_limit'                 => 'Member Limit',
'shares'                       => 'Shares',
'member_capacity'              => 'Member Capacity',
'divisional_information'       => 'Divisional Information',
'corporation_divisions'        => 'Corporation Divisions',
'wallet_divisions'             => 'Wallet Divisions',
'unknown_corporation'          => 'Unknown Corporation. Is the API Key on record and updated?',
'created_by'                   => 'Created By',
'starbase'                     => '基地|Starbases',
'state'                        => 'State',
'fuel_level'                   => 'Fuel Level',
'offline'                      => 'Offline Est.',
'cargo_usage'                  => 'Cargo Usage',
'onlined_at'                   => 'Onlined At',
'moon'                         => 'Moon',
'use_standings_from'           => 'Use Standings From',
'attack_on_agression'          => 'Attack On Agression',
'attack_on_war'                => 'Attack On War',
'corp_member_access'           => 'Corp Member Access',
'alliance_member_access'       => 'Alliance Member Access',
'fuel_levels'                  => 'Fuel Levels',
'fuel_blocks'                  => 'Fuel Blocks',
'fuel_usage'                   => 'Fuel Usage',
'low_fuel'                     => 'Low Fuel',
'stront_usage'                 => 'Strontium Usage',
'blocks_p_h'                   => 'Blocks p/h',
'units_p_h'                    => 'Units p/h',
'sov_bonus'                    => 'Sovereignty Bonus',
'reinforce_estimate'           => 'Reinforcement Estimate',
'module'                       => 'Module|Modules',
'content'                      => 'Content',
'no_known_assets'              => 'No Known Assets',
'volume_usage'                 => 'Volume Usage',
'loading_modules'              => 'Loading Module Information...',
'pocos'                        => 'Pocos',
'reinforcement'                => 'Reinforcement',
'standing_level'               => 'Standing Level',
'tax_alliance_corp'            => 'Tax: Alliance/Corp',
'tax_standings'                => 'Tax: Standings',

// Profile
'user_profile'                 => '用户资料',
'user_preferences'             => '用户首选项',
'user_account'                 => '用户账户',
'account_settings'             => '账户设置',
'upgrade_sso'                  => 'Upgrade to EVE Online SSO Account',
'change_password'              => 'Change Password',
'change_email'                 => 'Change Email',
'superuser'                    => 'Superuser',
'user_interface'               => 'User Interface',
'main_character'               => 'Main Character',
'seat_skin'                    => 'SeAT Skin',
'language'                     => 'Language',
'sidebar_size'                 => 'Sidebar Size',
'mail_as_threads'              => 'View Mail as Threads',
'number_format'                => 'Number Format',
'current_format'               => 'Current Format',
'thousands_seperator'          => 'Thousands Seperator',
'decimal_seperator'            => 'Decimal Seperator',
'email_notifications'          => 'Email Notifications',
'require_mfa'                  => 'Require MFA',
'setup_token_now'              => 'Setup Token Now',
'owned_keys'                   => 'Owned Keys',
'account_help'                 => 'For any account related enquiries, including permissions amendments, ' .
    'please contact the SeAT administrator.',
'current_password'             => 'Current Password',
'new_password'                 => 'New Password',
'confirm_new_password'         => 'Confirm New Password',
'current_email'                => 'Current Email',
'new_email'                    => 'New Email',
'confirm_new_email'            => 'Confirm New Email',
'mfa_setup'                    => 'Multifactor Authentication Setup',
'scan_qr'                      => 'Scan QR Code',
'scan_qr_help1'                => 'Please scan the below QR code with your authenticator application.',
'scan_qr_help2'                => 'Each time this page loads, a new token and qr code is generated.',
'supported_apps'               => 'Supported Google Authenticator Apps',
'preferred_apps'               => 'Preferred Apps',
'other_apps'                   => 'Other Apps',
'confirm_code'                 => 'Confirm an Authentication Code',
'confirm_help'                 => 'Next, confirm your setup by entering a confirmation code generated ' .
    'by your authentication application.',
'code'                         => 'Code',
'confirm_setup'                => 'Confirm Setup',

// Queue
'queue_manage'                 => 'Queue Management',
'total_jobs'                   => 'Total Jobs',
'queued_jobs'                  => 'Queued Jobs',
'working_jobs'                 => 'Working Jobs',
'error_jobs'                   => 'Errored Jobs',
'complete'                     => ' complete.',
'history'                      => 'History',
'submit_jobs'                  => 'Submit Jobs',
'job_submit_desc'              => 'These buttons allow you to manually queue jobs into the scheduler. It ' .
    'runs exactly the same commands as you would on the commandline or via the scheduler.',
'no_working'                   => 'There are currently no working jobs',
'no_queue'                     => 'There are currently no queued jobs',
'job_error_detail'             => 'Job Error Details',
'error_details_desc'           => 'This is a full stack trace for this job error. If this is not something ' .
    'that you understand, or a developer has asked for this, please copy the entire section below ' .
    'and paste it on a site such as pastebin and send the link along.',
'full_job_error'               => 'Full Job Error Detail',
'job_id'                       => 'Job ID',
'api'                          => 'Api',
'actions'                      => 'Actions',
'owner_id'                     => 'Owner ID',
'clear_all_errors'             => 'Clear All Errors',
'output'                       => 'Output',
'last_output'                  => 'Last Output',
'view_full'                    => 'View Full',
'no_errors'                    => 'There are no known errors',
'clear_all_history'            => '清空所有历史记录',
'job_history'                  => 'Job History',
'no_history'                   => 'There are no historical jobs',
'eve_api_status'               => 'EVE API状态',
'eve_api_error_threshold'      => 'API Errors',
'eve_api_connection_threshold' => 'Connection Errors',
'supervisor_offline'           => 'Offline',
'supervisor_online'            => 'Online',

// Tools
'standings_builder'            => 'Standings Builder',

// Footer
'web_version'                  => 'Web Version',
'sde_version'                  => 'SDE Version',
'render_in'                    => 'Rendered In',
'copyright'                    => 'Copyright',



leonjza commented 7 years ago

Thank you! This will be most welcome.

I would recommend you fork the web repository and a language file here. You can use the English one as reference from here. Once done, submit the pull request back.

Thanks again.

leonjza commented 7 years ago

Closing this for now. Please feel free to submit a PR for the Chinese language when you are ready.