eveybcd / BitcoinDiamond

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Request to Downgrade BCD-Core, Return to Original Vision... #49

Closed juanpc2018 closed 4 years ago

juanpc2018 commented 6 years ago

some history/background reasons:

older Bitcoin-Core had built-in internal CPU Wallet Mining, also send with 0-Fee if possible.

Node Wallet in -server mode allowed to -setgenerate # of CPU threads, Only when the Node Core Wallet was mining, it allowed to send with 0-Fee.

¿why Satoshi Nakamoto would allow to send with 0-Fee? to avoid a 51% attack, 0-Fee will motivate more people to have & download a Node Wallet... avoiding a 51% attack... increasing the Network Security.

that is the #1 & #2 problems with Ethereum Network,

1. ETH does Not have instant Transaction Notification, because it has 2MB Blocks every 15 seconds, BUT...

2. Blocks every 15 seconds, (A) are insufficient for instant transaction notification, (B) makes almost imposible to have a Node Wallet for most people, making a 51% attack almost inevitable in the future...

ETH Network will become completely Centralized, All must Trust in a Central Authority, and that goes against the Original idea of Satoshi Nakamoto Decentralized Network / Economy.

This Request is to Return BCD-Core to Original Satoshi Nakamoto Vision, and Restore CPU Wallet mining with 0-Fee option if solo mining.

getmininginfo also included setgenerate true or false.

the reason i post this here is because i don´t like the way Bitcoin-Core BTC is "evolving", i think BCD is a much better branch/evolution of the code.

Satoshi Nakamoto Vision was interesting is some ways, but limited in others... 1-example: Mining Reward Decay Half-Life follows Sample & Hold version of the Radioactive Half-Life Decay...."that actually does Not jump in Half, but is measured when changes are Half", maybe had a limited knowledge of Radioactive properties or wanted to create a Digitized version.

but the total coins were a random number, Not enough, too limited for a vision of a Decentralized economy/ world.... Bitcoin-Core BTC does Not follow the Avogrado Constant, and that would be the logic thing to do if following the Radioactive Half-Life Decay in nature.

just followed a random number 21, probably for a personal reason... "Birthday or Age of Majority of him or his son." Anyway... BCD & Bytecoin BCN are the only coins that try to follow a more Avogrado Constant for total coins.

CriptoNight coins Bytecoin/Monero do Not follow the Sample & Hold Half-Life Reward, "called 2.3 Irregular Emission", but follows a more natural Decay, like Real Half Life Decay in Nature. https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf

maybe the 21 limitation was required for that time, to kick start the project, but... thats why i think BCD mutation/evolution is much better, following Bell Curve characteristics,

can be seen here: BTC vs. BCD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_decay#/media/File:Halflife-sim.gif

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sample_and_hold https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radioactive_decay#Half-life https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avogadro_constant https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bell_curve https://bitcoin.org/en/developer-reference#setgenerate https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Original_Bitcoin_client/API_calls_list https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Cpu_Miner https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/OpenCL_miner https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neo-Darwinism

Starry9 commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much for your suggestion.

BCD uses GPU mining now, because the CPU hash rate is too low, and any POW algorithm that only allows CPU mining will be replaced by GPU mining very soon.