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Dropdown search does not work #1971

Open fboerman opened 2 weeks ago

fboerman commented 2 weeks ago

Steps To Reproduce

create a dropdown with some options from a sql query. observe that search does not work. this is with latest version (34)


Expected Behavior

search should filter the options

Actual Behaviour

it does either nothing or removes all options


none found so far, just straight up broken

ItsMeBrianD commented 1 week ago

This is likely fixed by #1980; I haven't been able to get a repro, if there is one available would love to dig into it

mcrascal commented 3 days ago

Dropdown search "works" at 34.0.1, but there is definitely room for improvement.

  1. Search has no effect on manually added DropdownOptions
  2. Keeping selected items at the top of the list while searching is counterintuitive, especially in a multi-select where you might have many items sitting at the top
  3. The actual search function seems far too permissive, I think we need to more aggressively eliminate options. For example, the search Blargghhh should not yield a list of options with Larry Gaish at the top, it should yield no options.