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Deploy Evidence to non-root path / folder #603

Closed BenJoyenConseil closed 1 year ago

BenJoyenConseil commented 1 year ago

Evidence Maintainer Edit

Non-root paths are not supported, but we are keeping this issue up to date as we frequently get asked about this.

You may want to consider the following alternative options:

It is possible we will support non-root paths in the future, but it is not on the near term roadmap. Below are some workarounds though they are likely to be fragile.

Feature Description

I would like to override sveltekit's base URI and others settings like outDir when I run evidence build. The documentation of sveltekit suggests to use svelte.config.js,

Goal of Feature

I would like to deploy a static evidence's build on Github Pages or something equivalent. Github Pages requires the urls to be relative or following the URI of the repository, so I need to set the sveltekig --base parameter. But it is not suffisant because the URIs in the Evidence.dev html (ex /favicon.ico) are all hard coded to point to the root "/".

Current Solution

The current source code in cli.js does not allow to override svelte.config.js, it overrides the svelte.config.jseverytime we run evidence build

So my current solution is using unix's find to track all urls

mv -R ./build ./public
find ./public/* -type f -not -path '*.ico' -exec sed -i '' "s,=\"/,=\"/my_github_uri/,g" {} +
aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

@BenJoyenConseil - I came here looking for help on the same. My issue logged below seems to describe the same issue you describe above.

Are you still using the above workaround? I tried on my side but it didn't seem to work.

aaronsteers commented 1 year ago

With help from @archiewood here, I resolved my 404s by remapping subpage links with a preceeding './' instead of preceeding '/'.

Subpages still don't seem to render correctly (possibly an issue parsing the breadcrumb) but the 404s are gone. 😄

mcrascal commented 1 year ago

A few possible ways to implement this:

  1. An option in settings + env vars to set the root path
  2. A cli flag
  3. Allow an override of the svelte.config (not preferred, similar to treatment of layout)

Finished: successful deployment on github pages

mcrascal commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

We took a look at supporting this, see: #764, and are not going to move ahead for the time being.

While exposing the base path configuration option is straightforward, supporting it across our entire builtin component library, and maintaining it is too much of a headache relative to the other things we'd like to be focusing on at the moment.

We'll likely revisit this, since there are use cases for this beyond just GH pages, but in the meantime netlify and vercel are both great deployment targets for public projects.

svrooij commented 8 months ago

And I guess you can just map your repo website to a subdomain, while still being hosted at GitHub Pages? Then it only requires you to setup a subdomain, which requires 1 additional file in the repo and some dns changes. Your pages are then hosted at the subdomain without a repo directory in front.

jdimmerman commented 8 months ago

For what its worth, I was able to get this working by doing the following, but it is a cat and mouse game each time we upgrade Evidence/svelte/vite so maybe not worth it.

archiewood commented 8 months ago

@jdimmerman this is cool

Out of interest, did you have issues with breadcrumbs, table of contents, sidebar etc not knowing about the changes to the base path?

jdimmerman commented 8 months ago

That's a good question... We are not using any of those features or routing in general - all one page with tabs we styled to be on the left - so my comment may be entirely worthless to others

KarimJedda commented 6 months ago

Ben's script did not work for me on Ubuntu, this worked (on a very trivial example, this will definitely break for something more complex):


find public/ -type f \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.html" \) -exec sed -i "s,href=\"/,href=\"$BASE_PATH/,g" {} +
find public/ -type f \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.html" \) -exec sed -i "s,src=\"/,src=\"$BASE_PATH/,g" {} +

echo "URL replacement complete."

I hope this helps anyone. Good luck.

BenJoyenConseil commented 6 months ago

Ben's script did not work for me on Ubuntu, this worked (on a very trivial example, this will definitely break for something more complex):


find public/ -type f \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.html" \) -exec sed -i "s,href=\"/,href=\"$BASE_PATH/,g" {} +
find public/ -type f \( -name "*.js" -o -name "*.html" \) -exec sed -i "s,src=\"/,src=\"$BASE_PATH/,g" {} +

echo "URL replacement complete."

I hope this helps anyone. Good luck.

It is probably because of the different implementations of the Sed tool between mac and GNU world (the -i option with empty quotes is for mac implem)

KarimJedda commented 6 months ago

You're absolutely correct! Although I have to say it's unfortunate we even have to use this "hack"-around :face_in_clouds:

RoelofSpijker commented 3 weeks ago

Also would be very interested in having the ability to host on non-root paths. My usecase is not GH Pages but offering Evidence-based reports within the context of a broader web app. Unfortunately that is currently not workable. The workarounds also are not really viable as, at least in current versions, a lot of the links are generated in the HTML but then replaced in the browser by svelte. So even if you "fix" the links using sed the changes will still be reverted in many places through browser JS.

I'll be looking for alternatives, if anyone has any recommendations I'd be very interested. Really like the project otherwise, unfortunately it does not support my use-case at the moment.