evil-mad / robopaint

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Add OS integration for and revamp quickload abilities #120

Open techninja opened 10 years ago

techninja commented 10 years ago

Home user directories are somewhat standardized across OS' and can be used to create/reference a directory used for quickload. This would require some additional changes to how quickload works, like scrolling, folder and filename management, but I think it would be a boon to making working with files far simpler.

Basic feature description:

techninja commented 9 years ago

As an addendum, we'd probably like to adjust add bot specific examples for EggBot, and WaterColorBot, as they have very different abilities and aspect ratios.

Also if we can come up with a comprehensive list (and the dropdown menu is good enough) we should likely add examples or starter images for common holidays or other popular public domain type art.

Hanukkah Winter Solstice Christmas New Year Birthday of the Prophet Muhammad

docprofsky commented 7 years ago

Is the examples Quickload different from the current examples menu?

techninja commented 7 years ago

Yep. It used to just be the text list, but now it's the thumbnail picture list. This ticket is mostly about making that same feature as useful as possible. Add some default folder listing, with slide out side menus. a bit like a native quick load "recent files" menu, though likely more visual. Could easily use some modern JS library I can't seem to find. This is actually low level enough and the APIs are clean enough that improvement of this feature in RP could actually be done by someone somewhat unfamiliar with the project!

techninja commented 7 years ago

Not the getting more examples thing though, that would still need to be done by someone who's done lots of prints on the various bots and has good CC or public domain art available