evil-mad / robopaint

The software for your friendly painting robot kit!
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Add useful "About Robopaint" option to menu #63

Open oskay opened 11 years ago

oskay commented 11 years ago

On the Mac at least, this menu option exists and should do something-- at least link to www.watercolorbot.com or to the github page for the project.

techninja commented 11 years ago

Apparently this is customizable via window menu API. We'll see how that goes.

docprofsky commented 7 years ago

Do we want to also add the other common menus, Edit, View, Window, and Help? This can be done quite easily in Electron.

oskay commented 7 years ago

We should add them only if their commands can be implemented and work well

docprofsky commented 7 years ago

It would only have the default commands, copy, cut, bring all to front, help, and what not. Also this would only be for OS X.

techninja commented 7 years ago

This has changed quite a bit since the NW.js days. There's another issue thread somewhere on here about defaults for menus and what that might mean globally. In truth, Cut/copy/paste doesn't obviously make any sense for most modes in a globally assumed context. The one place it does, fakes its own menu (edit mode). An ABOUT menu does make sense, at least globally. Lets not confuse or redirect the issue.

As bonus, this totally qualifies as something a user not terribly deep into the project could do to improve RP, as long as we clearly agree what it should have on it. I propose:

RoboPaint (use logo/image from install?) Version x.x.x, released [FULL DATE] An open source community project created by TechNinja in collaboration with Evil Mad Scientist Labs

WaterColorBot - EggBot - AxiDraw

oskay commented 7 years ago

Sounds great.