evil-morfar / RCLootCouncil2

RCLootCouncil - addon for World of Warcraft
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
19 stars 29 forks source link

Feature Request: Add Packaged Addon in Releases #213

Closed fspy closed 1 year ago

fspy commented 2 years ago

Seems easy enough with https://github.com/BigWigsMods/packager

This would help anyone who's trying to avoid Overwolf's CurseForge app, and/or using alternative solutions to update their addons.

evil-morfar commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure I support people trying to avoid CF - what's the problem with their app anyway? I'm quite happy with it.

fspy commented 2 years ago

Personally, the necessity of having to run an intermediary application just to access CurseForge would already be a motive.

Now, I'd have no issue running a standalone CurseForge client, but Overwolf has already stated they won't be releasing one.

I have concerns running Overwolf on my machines, it's essentially bloatware, and nobody likes ads. It does absolutely nothing but run CF, staying in the background while doing so. It is another vector for malware. It collects way more information than I'm willing to share -- especially with Overwolf's history). And most importantly (not really), it doesn't really work on Linux.

djodars89 commented 2 years ago

I approve of this message.

Please make your addon available through other providers like WowUpHub, Github (packaged .zip), Wago, WowInterface, etc.

Thanks for your contribution to the community!

Floppy012 commented 2 years ago

I'm not entirely sure I support people trying to avoid CF - what's the problem with their app anyway? I'm quite happy with it.

CurseForge is a great platform. But Overwolf is not really making a good look with how they're making their API Changes. They have a history on forcing their software on peoples computers (it all started with their TeamSpeak ingame overlay that already brought bloatware with it).

WoWUp is the addon updater I use. They've tried to apply for access to the new API but Overwolf declined the application with the reason, that WoWUp is already partnered with Wago.

Another reason is, that WoW (although not officially supported) runs pretty flawlessly on Mac and Linux. I for myself am using Linux, because it is just faster for the work I do. Curse/Overwolf do not support Mac or Linux. The way WoW runs on Linux does not really work for the Curse client. Its much simpler to have a native solution than having to fiddle around with getting an addon updater to run.

They've announced a version of the client for Mac and Linux. But they have provided no ETA. And the way they've written it makes me think that regarding a Linux version we're talking about years.

PC support will roll out first followed shortly by Mac. Linux support will be addressed later on.

That being said. WowUp supports multiple addon hosting plattforms:

Wago.io has support for monetization through ads (the ads are also shown in WowUp if wago is enabled as an addon provider).

The initial suggestion of this issue is documented here: https://wowup.io/guide/wowup/hub

It would be really cool to have the addon available outside Curse as I currently have no other option but to manually install the addon which, as we all know, is pain.

Zananos commented 2 years ago

I hated the curse to twitch change, I hated the twitch to overwolf change. I don't like their cumbersome, ad filled, bloated software. I don't mind ads, and WoWUp does a great job making them visible but not intrusive. The twitch installer did not, nor did Overwolf. They feel like cash grab platforms.

Regardless of my own preference, I am not comfortable telling my raid they have to use an addon that they can only get via manual install (-.- 50 year old+ raiders struggle with this) or via installing a forced addon manager because they cannot use the manager they are comfortable with.

I would much rather support WoWUp and Wago than Overwolf. And I really do not like addon authors being the scapegoats caught in the middle. But I do not want to withdraw support of authors just because they refuse to take steps to allow a github link for addon install through other software. We all have our preferences.

This is just such a petty pain in the ass situation for everyone to be in, after 17 years of WoW.

That and Overwolf was all "Noooo we are not releasing a stand alone curseforge client!" and then essentially was forced to due to backlash. For me, this is too little too damn late, the damage of their policies and philosophies is already done, and there is no guarantee that they wont require overwolf in the future. Especially if they "succeed" in killing all other addon managers.

RaphanW commented 2 years ago

Just to add some additional information/context for your decision:

You could upload properly formatted .zip folders to the releases on GitHub (BigWigs did this, and has released a utility to help with the process https://github.com/BigWigsMods/packager), or go a step further and integrate with WowUpHub, or add it to Wago, or to WowInterface. Thank you for your addon and for your consideration.

A relevant post from the WoWUp Discord:

"For addon authors: I’ve been contacted by several WowUp users wanting me to add my addon to WowUpHub or Wago. Who do I need to speak to about this?

For the WowUpHub, reach out to any of the mods or Zakrn and provide the Github or Gitlab link to your addon. We will check to make sure it is setup so WowUpHub can detect it. Here’s a guide on setup so you can check for yourself: https://wowup.io/guide/wowup/hub

If it is setup with a zipped folder of the addon itself, Zakrn will connect it to the WowUpHub. Once that is done, nothing else is needed on your part for that connection to remain other than you need to make sure when you update your addon on GitHub to do same setup. From 1 hour of you updating your addon it will hit the WowUpHub’s servers for people to download/update.

To add your addon to Wago, go to this website - https://addons.wago.io/auth/login - you will need to sign in to your BattleNet account or GitHub account. If you sign in with your Github account, you will be able to choose from the available GitHub repositories to upload from. If you sign in with your BattleNet account follow the prompts to upload your addon in its zipped format. If you aren’t sure if everything is setup correctly for Wago, they have provided a how-to documentation webpage that you can use - https://docs.wago.io/#introduction . If you have questions that are not answered you can reach out to Jayow, QartmisT or via Wago's contact form - https://addons.wago.io/contact"

prateem commented 1 year ago

Just bumping to voice my support for this issue

xdega commented 1 year ago

I want to add my support for this. Don't sell out toCurse/Overwolf. They are anti-competition parasites and this is not good for the community. Please, let us have options when it comes to managing our addons.

This is so far the only addon that I am unable to track via CurseBreaker, and I have no intention of downloading CurseForge for a single addon.

PS: I will most certainly sign up on your Patreon if you do decide to open this up, away from CurseForge. I hope others would also consider. (you are not asking much)

xdega commented 1 year ago

@evil-morfar Any update on this? It's literally the only addon that I will need for DF, that I can't get from other sources (besides Curse).

evil-morfar commented 1 year ago

Alright fine - I'll look into it for the next update.

Yitaarli commented 1 year ago

Hey, is there any update on this? I can't find this addon on any WoWUp supported website/source.

Although they have now released a curseforge compatible version of wowup, this program still requires the installation of a propriatory version of electron that Overwolf themselves have written. They have not, as far as I know, disclosed to WoWUp developers or users what exactly is contained in their version of electron and given their dubious history, a significant number of users (including myself) have decided not to install it and stick with the wago version.

Therefore, would you still consider putting this addon on a WoWUp compatible website (e.g. Wago, wowinterface, github)? If you want to discuss this or need instructions on how to do this you can find them on the WoWup discord server: https://discord.gg/vGsW24qx (link expires in 7 days)

Thank you for your consideration and also for your work on this addon.

xdega commented 1 year ago

A new release, and said release seems to still be curse-forge only, still. Is there something I am missing? Update?

evil-morfar commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry if me spending my time on making sure the addon actually works is inconvenient for you. When I said look into it for the next update, I meant next non-bugfix update, i.e. 3.7.0.

WybeBosch commented 1 year ago

No worries thanks for clarifying , and good to hear you are still looking into this. Keep up the great work on the addon and Happy Holidays 🎄

xdega commented 1 year ago

I wasn't trying to throw shade. Thanks for your efforts.