evildevill / Devil

Devil is a tool that is basically made for facebook to Hack target accounts , BruteForce Attack , grab friendlist accounts , yahoo chacker , Facbook Friend information gathering tool , auto likes reactions & much more i hope you enjoy this tool i'm not responsible if you use this tool for any illegal purpose
MIT License
865 stars 139 forks source link

Something to do? #11

Closed TotallyNotAHaxxer closed 2 years ago

TotallyNotAHaxxer commented 2 years ago

okay so im a cyber weapons developer and currently working on a project that uses Python, Ruby, Perl, C, ASM, HTML, CSS, JS, Bash, Batch and some other langauges including web development. i was looking at the main file for this or devil.py, while i think its intriguing i see ALOT of issues with this script. . . for one, this code is OVER EXTENSIVLY long for no reason, you use the classical "clear" system command over and over when you can use something like . ### . def clear(): . print"\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J" which takes away a good 500 lines i would say, i also feel you can add functions and classes for banners, reading and writing data to files, and instead of making constant ELIF/IF statements, make functions up top for every possible option, maybe arguments would be nice, maybe even some classes to make it ALOT more smoother and look more professional. one last thing to note would be, maybe chomp down ALOT of the code, there is so much lines in this one file it can cause some slight errors. . . just some tips for you coming from another developer, hope this helps :D , ,Further note on "supported OS" this can easily be fixed if you were to change the clear statement, python is a very VERY flexible language and even with something like regex, BS4, ETC it can easily be fixed and changed to " print"\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J"**" which will allow it to work on any platform

evildevill commented 2 years ago


Bro you can check out this one


TotallyNotAHaxxer commented 2 years ago


i think that one is ALOT more utilized, however as said above try to eliminat both time.sleep ( time.sleep is a very USELESS method that can hold and takeup ALOT of time so try to eleminate it ) and also replace

os.system('clear') with print"\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J"

print"\x1b[H\x1b[2J\x1b[3J" -> will completely clear the screen and make it more cross platform