evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
GNU General Public License v3.0
977 stars 173 forks source link

KeyError: 'enable_32p' #1044

Closed tcn33 closed 9 years ago

tcn33 commented 9 years ago

Attempting to load config screen after a git pull on my Mylar directory results in the following.

KeyError: 'enable_32p'

490 <input id="enable_kat" type="checkbox" name="enable_kat" value=1 ${config['enable_kat']} /><label>Enable KAT</label>
491 </div>
492 <div class="row checkbox left clearfix">
493 <input type="checkbox" id="enable_32p" onclick="initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name="enable_32p" value=1 ${config['enable_32p']} /><label>Enable 32P</label>
494 <div align="right">
495 <small class="heading"><span style="float: right; margin-right: .3em; margin-top: 4px;" class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span>python 2.7.9 required for 32P usage.</small>
496 </div>
497 </div>
498 <div class="config">

/opt/Mylar/data/interfaces/default/config.html, line 493:
<input type="checkbox" id="enable_32p" onclick="initConfigCheckbox($(this));" name="enable_32p" value=1 ${config['enable_32p']} /><label>Enable 32P</label>

/opt/Mylar/data/interfaces/default/base.html, line 82:

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 718:
callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 692:
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 660:
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))

/opt/Mylar/mako/template.py, line 296:
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)

/opt/Mylar/mylar/webserve.py, line 50:
evilhero commented 9 years ago

Was mylar running when you did the git pull?

Does a restart of mylar fix the issue? The config values get loaded on startup, so it would seem that it wasn't loaded properly on startup.

tcn33 commented 9 years ago

It was down when I did the git pull. A restart doesn't fix it.

It seems to be a problem further down as I get something similar when trying to load This Week:

KeyError: 'COMICID'

73 %if pullfilter is True:
74 <td class="publisher">${weekly['PUBLISHER']}</td>
75 <td class="comicname">
76 %if weekly['COMICID'] == '' or weekly['COMICID'] is None:
77 ${weekly['COMIC']}
78 %else:
79 <a href="comicDetails?ComicID=${weekly['COMICID']}">${weekly['COMIC']}</a>
80 %endif
81 </td>

/opt/Mylar/data/interfaces/default/weeklypull.html, line 76:
%if weekly['COMICID'] == '' or weekly['COMICID'] is None:

/opt/Mylar/data/interfaces/default/base.html, line 82:

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 718:
callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 692:
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)

/opt/Mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 660:
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))

/opt/Mylar/mako/template.py, line 296:
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)

/opt/Mylar/mylar/webserve.py, line 50:

I'm guessing I have nuked something or other so I think a reinstall is probably my best bet.

tcn33 commented 9 years ago

Unfortunately a reinstall hasn't fixed it. Anything I can provide to help pin this down?

evilhero commented 9 years ago

Really weird, can you paste your config.ini file (just xxxx out the keys) and tell me what OS and branch of mylar you're currently running?

tcn33 commented 9 years ago
config_version = 5
dbchoice = sqlite3
dbuser = ""
dbpass = ""
dbname = ""
comicvine_api = xxx
cvapi_count = 0
cvapi_time = 2015-06-06 09:21:13
http_port = 8090
http_host = x.x.x.x
http_username = ""
http_password = ""
http_root = /
enable_https = 0
https_cert = ""
https_key = ""
https_force_on = 0
api_enabled = 0
api_key = xxx
launch_browser = 0
auto_update = 0
log_dir = /opt/Mylar/logs
max_logsize = 1000000
logverbose = 0
git_path = ""
cache_dir = /opt/Mylar/cache
annuals_on = 0
cv_only = 1
cv_onetimer = 1
check_github = 1
check_github_on_startup = 1
check_github_interval = 360
destination_dir = /mnt/Herald/Comics/GoogleDriveComics
multiple_dest_dirs = ""
create_folders = 1
chmod_dir = 0777
chmod_file = 0777
usenet_retention = 1500
alt_pull = 0
search_interval = 360
nzb_startup_search = 0
libraryscan = 1
libraryscan_interval = 300
add_comics = 0
comic_dir = ""
imp_move = 0
imp_rename = 0
imp_metadata = 0
enable_check_folder = 0
download_scan_interval = 5
check_folder = ""
interface = default
dupeconstraint = filesize
autowant_all = 1
autowant_upcoming = 1
preferred_quality = 2
comic_cover_local = 0
correct_metadata = 0
move_files = 0
rename_files = 1
folder_format = $Series ($Year)
file_format = $Series $Issue ($Year)
blackhole_dir = ""
replace_spaces = 0
replace_char = .
zero_level = 1
zero_level_n = 00x
lowercase_filenames = 0
ignore_havetotal = 0
snatched_havetotal = 0
syno_fix = 0
search_delay = 1
grabbag_dir = /mnt/Herald/Comics
highcount = 0
read2filename = 0
send2read = 0
tab_enable = 0
tab_host = ""
tab_user = ""
tab_pass = ""
tab_directory = ""
storyarcdir = 0
copy2arcdir = 0
use_minsize = 0
minsize = ""
use_maxsize = 0
maxsize = ""
add_to_csv = 1
cvinfo = 0
log_level = 0
enable_extra_scripts = 0
xtra_scripts = ""
enable_pre_scripts = 0
pre_scripts = ""
post_processing = 1
post_processing_script = ""
weekfolder = 0
locmove = 0
newcom_dir = ""
fftonewcom_dir = 0
enable_meta = 1
cmtagger_path = /opt/Mylar
ct_tag_cr = 1
ct_tag_cbl = 1
ct_cbz_overwrite = 0
unrar_cmd = None
update_ended = 0
indie_pub = 75
biggie_pub = 55
upcoming_snatched = 1
enable_rss = 1
rss_checkinterval = 15
rss_lastrun = 2015-06-06 09:26:13
failed_download_handling = 1
failed_auto = 1
provider_order = 0, nzb.su, 1, dognzb, 2, Kitties
nzb_downloader = 1
enable_torrents = 0
minseeds = 0
torrent_local = 0
local_watchdir = ""
torrent_seedbox = 0
seedbox_host = ""
seedbox_port = ""
seedbox_user = ""
seedbox_pass = ""
seedbox_watchdir = ""
enable_torrent_search = 0
enable_kat = 0
kat_proxy = ""
enable_32p = 0
mode_32p = 0
passkey_32p = ""
rssfeed_32p = ""
username_32p = ""
password_32p = ""
snatchedtorrent_notify = 0
sab_host = http://http:
sab_username = ""
sab_password = ""
sab_apikey = ""
sab_category = ""
sab_priority = Default
sab_directory = ""
nzbget_host = http://x.x.x.x
nzbget_port = 6789
nzbget_username = nzbget
nzbget_password = tegbzn6789
nzbget_category = Comics
nzbget_priority = Default
nzbget_directory = /mnt/Herald/Comics
nzbsu = 1
nzbsu_uid = xxx
nzbsu_apikey = xxx
dognzb = 1
dognzb_apikey = xxx
experimental = 0
altexperimental = 1
newznab = 1
extra_newznabs = Kitties, http://foo.bar, xxx
prowl_enabled = 0
prowl_keys = ""
prowl_onsnatch = 0
prowl_priority = 0
nma_enabled = 0
nma_apikey = ""
nma_priority = 0
nma_onsnatch = 0
pushover_enabled = 1
pushover_apikey = xxx
pushover_userkey = xxx
pushover_priority = 0
pushover_onsnatch = 1
boxcar_enabled = 0
boxcar_onsnatch = 0
boxcar_token = ""
pushbullet_enabled = 0
pushbullet_apikey = ""
pushbullet_deviceid = None
pushbullet_onsnatch = 0
raw = 0
raw_provider = None
raw_username = None
raw_password = None
raw_groups = None
tcn33 commented 9 years ago

Not sure if it's related but any change I make to config.ini gets overwritten - for example, if I change destination_dir it goes back to the old value within a minute or two.

evilhero commented 9 years ago

Are you shutting down mylar prior to editing the file? Mylar will hammer any changes made manually when you save/restart mylar if you don't otherwise (it writes to the file and if things are different the mylar gui wins over any manual changes)

About 90% of everything in the config.ini can be found in the configuration screen, and it's best to use that as then it can fix incorrect items prior to saving the config (ie. removing trailing spaces, force setting some default settings, etc)

What commit of mylar are you running? I'm also by going to guess you're using python 2.7.x

tcn33 commented 9 years ago

Ah, you're right - thanks.

tcn33 commented 9 years ago

Managed to figure it out eventually via a bunch of fiddling with git reset and reinstalling again.