evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Re downloading annuals #1900

Closed hitnrun30 closed 3 years ago

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Does anyone else have the issue where if there is a new comic and it has annuals which are downloaded, it will continue to look for and download them.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Are you up to date on whatever branch you're running? There was some annual issues in regards to if your post-processing action was set to copy, and the duplicate checker was erroring out because the size of the given issue was 0 bytes on the series detail page - but that should be all fixed in the dev branch if you're up to date.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Yes, completely up to date on the Dev branch. But it just likes to think annuals need to be downloaded. They are already and are marked as such.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Can you check the filesize within mylar for one of the issues (series detail page, hover over the little 'i' in the Status column). I'm wondering if they're stuck at 0 bytes.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Nope, the annuals have a file size

evilhero commented 6 years ago

weird - nothing has been brought up in this regards as of late. Is it any annual that it keeps on re-downloading or one from a specific series? Did the annual appear on the pull-list, or just the series ? If from the pull, what week ? I'm assuming you have annual integration turned on, but just to clarify ?

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

I do not have too many comics with annuals, but of the 3 ongoing, it is the from star wars (Star Wars, Star wars Doctor Aphra and Poe Dameron)

But they all have the annuals set as downloaded.

and yes annual handling is on

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Do you have any alternate naming occuring in any of those series? I know that CV changed the name of one of those series so if the series name on the detail page is different than what cv has - well it would cause some issues I'd imagine (the only fix is to delete the series in mylar and readd it so it can use the changed name properly)

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

I have alternate naming for them yes, but why would that trigger it to want to download the annuals, they are marked as downloaded.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

It could be an edge case whereby your alternate naming for one series matches the other and then does the download as it's confused. It could also have to do with if CV changed the name of their series, as that might cause irregular issues.

All of this is heresay and guesses atm regardless - without any logs or the like to at least support the problem happening (not saying it's not, but without something for me to investigate that's concrete and helps me to duplicate the problem it makes it difficult to even attempt to fix). This has not come up before, so if it is occuring it seems to be limited to your setup for some reason. Thus the guesses. I understand that getting logs for this might not be available, but if it's occuring as frequently as you indicate, there has to be something in the logs with more information.

You'll need to provide the alternate names for those series that are causing problems, along with the series themselves that you have it set for, as well if you have the continuing series option enabled for any. Also operating system might help too.

The more information I have about the problem, the better chance I have of understanding things and trying to duplicate the error on my end so I can fix things.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

Running Mylar (latest development) on Synology DSM 6.1. I'm also seeing Mylar repeatedly snatching/downloading the same annuals multiple times. It seems to re-try these issues once per calendar day.

I wanted to check the comic details page for the affected series, but I'm getting the following error:

Error !
TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()
311 <td id="select"><input type="checkbox" name="${issue['IssueID']}" class="issCheck checkbox" value="${issue['IssueID']}"/></td>
312 <td id="int_issuenumber">${issue['Int_IssueNumber']}</td>
313 <td id="issuenumber">${issue['Issue_Number']}</td>
314 <%
315 if len(issue['IssueName']) > 70:
316 issuename = "%s..." % issue['IssueName'][:70]
317 else:
318 issuename = issue['IssueName']
319 endif

/usr/local/mylar/share/mylar/data/interfaces/default/comicdetails.html, line 314:
/usr/local/mylar/share/mylar/data/interfaces/default/base.html, line 87:
/volume1/@appstore/mylar/share/mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 718:
/volume1/@appstore/mylar/share/mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 692:
/volume1/@appstore/mylar/share/mylar/mako/runtime.py, line 660:
/volume1/@appstore/mylar/share/mylar/mako/template.py, line 296:
/volume1/@appstore/mylar/share/mylar/mylar/webserve.py, line 55:
return template.render(http_root=mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT, **kwargs)

What could be going on here?

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Try going into the Manage / Manage Comics tab and do a Refresh Series on the offending series that that's occuring for. The issue name for one of the issues in that particular series has a bad value in it (possibly due to not refreshing properly before), so it's throwing the error because it can't handle the values properly. Curious, what series is it that you're trying to load?

The last time I saw something along those lines was when CV changed the series name entirely on their end, but Mylar was still using the old name - and things blew up with weird errors. The only fix was to delete the incorrect named one on Mylar and re-add it so that it can pull down the new proper values (it doesn't happen often when they rename, but I'm finding it happen on a somewhat more frequent basis lately for some reason).

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

I find that this always happen when there is a new comic that is coming out that has annuals. It occurred again with Star Wars. It has 3 annuals and there is a new comic this week. it has tried every day this week to download the annuals because it knows there is a new comic and for some reason looks for the annuals until the new comic is downloaded.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

I haven't tested with all the series for which Mylar is re-downloading annuals, but in this case I was trying to open the series "Batman (2016)". Other affected series include "All-New Wolverine (2015", "Deathstroke (2016)", "Green Arrow (2016)", and about half-a-dozen others.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

For what it's worth, I am post-processing with ComicRN in NZBGet. Mylar's built-in post-processing is disabled, as is "completed download handling".

evilhero commented 6 years ago

@Aimhere2k, how is comicrn running properly if you have post-processing disabled? If Mylar can't mark the given issues as downloaded, they'll remain in a snatched state forever (at least based on what I remember, I didn't really test stuff with post-processing turned off tbh)

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

I thought we were supposed to use either ComicRN OR Mylar's built-in post-processing, not both? Or is it "completed download handling" ComicRN is mutually-exclusive with? To the best of my knowledge, I've never really seen a clear explanation of exactly how ComicRN, completed-download handling, and post-processing work together, and under what circumstances the latter two options within Mylar should be enabled or disabled.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

You can't have both completed download handling AND ComicRN enabled, as they will fight over the post-processing of an issue almost simultaneously (or deleted enough that it will no longer be present in thr original location).

Enabling post-processing allows the comicRN script to work properly as without it enabled the comicRN will never fire off fully, and I'm pretty sure the completed download handling would fail at some point as well. There are several checks throughout the post-processing that check to see if post-processing is enabled or not, so not having it enabled might be causing things to fail silently in some regards but still look like it's successfully post-processed.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

Okay,I've re-enabled post-processing, completed download handling is still disabled, and I'm still using ComicRN in NZBGet. I'll see how it goes.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

I'm still getting the Mako errors when trying to open the details pages for several series. I've tried Manage/Manage Comics/Refresh Series on each of them (and giving it a good long while to do the refresh), but the Mako errors persist.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Is this a synopkg installation or a git install?

Odds are you have an error occuring during a refresh, and it's not being logged for some reason so when you go to view the series page it throws the error.

Put mylar into debug mode a d try to refresh one of those series and paste the log - there's something different going in with your installation, just not sure what/why at this point without seeing some logs to hopefully help.

Aimhere2k commented 6 years ago

This is a synopkg installation, but I converted it to git (via documentation elsewhere on the web) in order to switch to the development branch.

In any case, I managed to get it working again. It was an ownership/permissions issue on my comics folders that cropped up somewhere along the line. The owner and group attributes of many of the issues, and some of the folders themselves, had gotten messed up somehow, as had the permissions.

What clued me in was when I enabled debug logging in Mylar, then attempted to "refresh series" from the Manage page, I got this in the log towards the end:

10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1551 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Ensuring permissions/ownership enforced for series: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - ERROR   :: mylar.setperms.1435 : Thread-44 : Could not change permissions : /volume1/Comics/DC Comics/Titans (2016). Exiting...

This would happen for each of the series that were generating the Mako error when I tried to select them.

So I did "chown mylar:users" on all the files and folders in my comics hierarchy, set all the permissions to rwxrwxrwx, did a "refresh series" on all of the affected series again, and now I can view them normally.

Still clueless as to how the ownership permissions got changed, though.

Complete debug log of refresh, for reference:

10-Apr-2018 06:10:21 - INFO    :: mylar.toggleVerbose.3558 : CP Server Thread-11 : Verbose toggled, set to False
10-Apr-2018 06:10:37 - INFO    :: mylar.toggleVerbose.3558 : CP Server Thread-11 : Verbose toggled, set to True
10-Apr-2018 06:10:37 - DEBUG   :: mylar.toggleVerbose.3559 : CP Server Thread-11 : If you read this message, debug logging is available
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - INFO    :: mylar.markComics.2496 : CP Server Thread-11 : [MANAGE COMICS][REFRESH] Refreshing 1 series
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - INFO    :: mylar.dbUpdate.79 : Thread-44 : Starting update for 1 active comics
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.117 : Thread-44 : Refreshing: Titans (2016) [92577]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.136 : Thread-44 : CV_OneTimer option enabled...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.138 : Thread-44 : Gathering the status of all issues for the series.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.148 : Thread-44 : Checking how out of whack the series is.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.164 : Thread-44 : checking annual db
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - DEBUG   :: mylar.dbUpdate.180 : Thread-44 : Refreshing the series and pulling in new data using only CV.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:21 - INFO    :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1348 : Thread-44 : [DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: /volume1/Comics/DC Comics/Titans (2016)
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.226 : Thread-44 : number of issues I counted: 21
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.227 : Thread-44 : number of issues CV says it has: 21
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.233 : Thread-44 : vari is set to: no
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.359 : Thread-44 : volume X format - 0: Volume 3.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.390 : Thread-44 : Volume information found! Adding to series record : volume 3
10-Apr-2018 06:12:25 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.113 : Thread-44 : Now adding/updating: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:26 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.166 : Thread-44 : Sucessfully retrieved details for Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:26 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.245 : Thread-44 : Directory (/volume1/Comics/DC Comics/Titans (2016)) already exists! Continuing...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:28 - INFO    :: mylar.getImage.3463 : Thread-44 : Attempting to retrieve the comic image for series
10-Apr-2018 06:12:28 - DEBUG   :: mylar.getImage.3469 : Thread-44 : comic image retrieval status code: 200
10-Apr-2018 06:12:36 - DEBUG   :: mylar.setperms.1418 : Thread-44 : Successfully changed ownership and permissions [mylar:users] / [0777 / 0660]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:39 - DEBUG   :: mylar.getComic.133 : Thread-44 : there are 21 search results...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:39 - DEBUG   :: mylar.getComic.138 : Thread-44 : querying range from 0 to 100
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.330 : Thread-44 : Sucessfully retrieved issue details for Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1046 : Thread-44 : issuedata call references...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1047 : Thread-44 : comicid:92577
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1048 : Thread-44 : comicname:Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1049 : Thread-44 : comicissues:21
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1050 : Thread-44 : calledfrom: None
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1051 : Thread-44 : issuechk: None
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1052 : Thread-44 : latestissueinfo: [{'latestiss': u'21', 'latestdate': u'2018-05-31'}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1053 : Thread-44 : issuetype: None
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1386 : Thread-44 : checking annual db
10-Apr-2018 06:12:40 - DEBUG   :: mylar.manualAnnual.966 : Thread-44 : 100388 added to series list as an Annual
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.226 : Thread-44 : number of issues I counted: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.227 : Thread-44 : number of issues CV says it has: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.233 : Thread-44 : vari is set to: no
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.359 : Thread-44 : volume X format - 0: Volume 3.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.GetComicInfo.390 : Thread-44 : Volume information found! Adding to series record : volume 3
10-Apr-2018 06:12:44 - DEBUG   :: mylar.manualAnnual.968 : Thread-44 : Attempting to integrate Titans Annual (100388) to the existing series of Titans(2016)
10-Apr-2018 06:12:46 - DEBUG   :: mylar.getComic.133 : Thread-44 : there are 1 search results...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:46 - DEBUG   :: mylar.getComic.138 : Thread-44 : querying range from 0 to 100
10-Apr-2018 06:12:46 - DEBUG   :: mylar.manualAnnual.979 : Thread-44 : there are 1 annuals within this series.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:46 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1415 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - Annual Year:2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.132 : Thread-44 : there are 17 search results...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:The New Teen Titans Annual -- 1982 [Series years: [u'1982']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Tales of the Teen Titans Annual -- 1984 [Series years: [u'1984']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:The New Teen Titans Annual -- 1985 [Series years: [u'1985']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:The New Titans Annual -- 1989 [Series years: [u'1989']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Team Titans Annual -- 1993 [Series years: [u'1993']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 2006 [Series years: [u'2006']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Lost Annual -- 2008 [Series years: [u'2008']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 2009 [Series years: [u'2009']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 1997 [Series years: [u'1997']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:The Titans Annual -- 2000 [Series years: [u'2000']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Titans Annual -- 2011 [Series years: [u'2011']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Titans Annual -- 1976 [Series years: [u'1976']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 2012 [Series years: [u'2012']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 1999 [Series years: [u'1999']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:The New Teen Titans Annual -- 1984 [Series years: [u'1984']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Teen Titans Annual -- 2015 [Series years: [u'2015']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.findComic.305 : Thread-44 : [RESULT][None] ComicName:Titans Annual -- 2017 [Series years: [u'2017']]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1424 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - there are 17 results.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1433 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - tradeback/collected edition detected - skipping 3118
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1433 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - tradeback/collected edition detected - skipping 3325
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1433 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - tradeback/collected edition detected - skipping 48443
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1433 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - tradeback/collected edition detected - skipping 49725
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1433 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - tradeback/collected edition detected - skipping 81067
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1437 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - 92577 found. Assuming it is part of the greater collection.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1439 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - 100388 added to series list as an Annual
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.annual_check.1441 : Thread-44 : [IMPORTER-ANNUAL] - 100388 already exists within current annual list for series.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - INFO    :: mylar.manualAnnual.1039 : Thread-44 : Successfully integrated 1 annuals into the series: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - DEBUG   :: mylar.updateissuedata.1077 : Thread-44 : Finished Annual checking.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:50 - INFO    :: mylar.updateissuedata.1092 : Thread-44 : Now adding/updating issues for Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:51 - INFO    :: mylar.manualAnnual.1039 : Thread-44 : Successfully integrated 1 annuals into the series: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:51 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.400 : Thread-44 : Updating complete for: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:51 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.421 : Thread-44 : issue: 21 status before chk :Downloaded
10-Apr-2018 06:12:51 - INFO    :: mylar.forceRescan.930 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Now checking files for Titans (2016) in /volume1/Comics/DC Comics/Titans (2016)
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - INFO    :: mylar.traverse_directories.1177 : Thread-44 : there are 22 files.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '002', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 002
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '001', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 001
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '003', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 003
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '004', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 004
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '005', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 005
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2016', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '006', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 006
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '007', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 007
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '008', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 008
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '009', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 009
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 3, 'mod_position': 18}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 3
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 2, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '001', 'mod_position': 14}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 001
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans', 'Annual']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans Annual
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '010', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:52 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 010
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '011', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 011
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '012', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 012
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '013', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 013
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '014', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 014
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '015', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 015
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2017', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '016', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2018', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '017', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2018', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '018', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2018', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '019', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 019
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2018', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '020', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 020
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.360 : Thread-44 : checking date : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.363 : Thread-44 : date: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.614 : Thread-44 : datecheck: [{'date': '2018', 'position': 2, 'mod_position': 11}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.620 : Thread-44 : sctd: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.629 : Thread-44 : year verified as : 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.635 : Thread-44 : year verified as: 2018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.658 : Thread-44 : highest_series_position: 2
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.664 : Thread-44 : possible_issuenumbers: [{'position': 1, 'validcountchk': False, 'number': '021', 'mod_position': 7}]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.736 : Thread-44 : issue_position: 1
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.747 : Thread-44 : issue verified as : 021
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.871 : Thread-44 : sf_highest_series_pos: ['Titans']
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.parseit.903 : Thread-44 : series title possibly: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.999 : Thread-44 : No issues with identical issue numbering were detected for this series
10-Apr-2018 06:12:53 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1021 : Thread-44 : [ANNUAL-CHK] No annuals with identical issue numbering across annual volumes were detected for this series
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 002
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [546044] Issue match - fcdigit: 2000 ... int_iss: 2000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#2 --- 2000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 002 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 46026488
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 001
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [541183] Issue match - fcdigit: 1000 ... int_iss: 1000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#1 --- 1000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 001 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 40900238
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 003
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [551285] Issue match - fcdigit: 3000 ... int_iss: 3000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#3 --- 3000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 003 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 41184694
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 004
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [555502] Issue match - fcdigit: 4000 ... int_iss: 4000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#4 --- 4000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 004 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 44670356
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 005
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [558945] Issue match - fcdigit: 5000 ... int_iss: 5000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#5 --- 5000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 005 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 43546176
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 006
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [571650] Issue match - fcdigit: 6000 ... int_iss: 6000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#6 --- 6000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 006 (2016).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 38504710
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 007
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [575850] Issue match - fcdigit: 7000 ... int_iss: 7000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#7 --- 7000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 007 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 38380248
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 008
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [580732] Issue match - fcdigit: 8000 ... int_iss: 8000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#8 --- 8000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 008 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 43926006
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 009
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [585072] Issue match - fcdigit: 9000 ... int_iss: 9000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#9 --- 9000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 009 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 39471373
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: Annual 001
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1240 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [92577] Annual match - issue : 1000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1328 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...annual issue: Titans#1 --- 1000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1333 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans Annual 001 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1334 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 61882199
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 010
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [591740] Issue match - fcdigit: 10000 ... int_iss: 10000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#10 --- 10000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 010 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 40736928
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 011
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [594950] Issue match - fcdigit: 11000 ... int_iss: 11000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#11 --- 11000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 011 (2017).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 38912844
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 012
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [601779] Issue match - fcdigit: 12000 ... int_iss: 12000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#12 --- 12000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 012 (2017).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:54 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 25024520
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 013
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [608195] Issue match - fcdigit: 13000 ... int_iss: 13000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#13 --- 13000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 013 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 41059722
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 014
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [613756] Issue match - fcdigit: 14000 ... int_iss: 14000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#14 --- 14000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 014 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 34954072
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 015
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [621604] Issue match - fcdigit: 15000 ... int_iss: 15000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#15 --- 15000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 015 (2017).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 29753263
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 016
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [630506] Issue match - fcdigit: 16000 ... int_iss: 16000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#16 --- 16000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 016 (2017).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 35357932
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 017
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [636361] Issue match - fcdigit: 17000 ... int_iss: 17000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#17 --- 17000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 017 (2018).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 34672557
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 018
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [646173] Issue match - fcdigit: 18000 ... int_iss: 18000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#18 --- 18000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 018 (2018).cbr
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 37688229
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 019
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [652615] Issue match - fcdigit: 19000 ... int_iss: 19000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#19 --- 19000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 019 (2018).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 40777030
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 020
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [659999] Issue match - fcdigit: 20000 ... int_iss: 20000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#20 --- 20000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 020 (2018).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 31293851
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1063 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] temploc: 021
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1089 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] [662728] Issue match - fcdigit: 21000 ... int_iss: 21000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1182 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Matched...issue: Titans#21 --- 21000
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1187 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filename: Titans 021 (2018).cbz
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1188 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] .......filesize: 33885483
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - INFO    :: mylar.forceRescan.1453 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Total files located: 22
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.forceRescan.1551 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] Ensuring permissions/ownership enforced for series: Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - ERROR   :: mylar.setperms.1435 : Thread-44 : Could not change permissions : /volume1/Comics/DC Comics/Titans (2016). Exiting...
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - INFO    :: mylar.forceRescan.1553 : Thread-44 : [FILE-RESCAN] I have physically found 22 issues, ignored 0 issues, snatched 0 issues, and accounted for 0 in an Archived state [ Total Issue Count: 22 / 23 ]
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.424 : Thread-44 : issue: 21 status after chk :Downloaded
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.426 : Thread-44 : pullupd: None
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.427 : Thread-44 : lastpubdate: Present
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.428 : Thread-44 : series_status: Active
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.433 : Thread-44 : latestissue: #21
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - DEBUG   :: mylar.addComictoDB.440 : Thread-44 : latestissue status: Downloaded
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.476 : Thread-44 : No issues marked as wanted for Titans
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.478 : Thread-44 : Finished grabbing what I could.
10-Apr-2018 06:12:55 - INFO    :: mylar.addComictoDB.516 : Thread-44 : Sucessfully added Titans (2016) to the watchlist
10-Apr-2018 06:13:10 - DEBUG   :: mylar.job_management.3361 : Thread-44 : ReScheduled job: DB Updater to 2018-04-10 11:18:10
10-Apr-2018 06:13:12 - INFO    :: mylar.dbUpdate.348 : Thread-44 : Update complete
hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Um hello, this was just an annoying quirk that it downloads annuals when there is a new comic that week. I just want it to stop doing that.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

@hitnrun30 , I already mentioned that the probable reason why it's occuring is because you have alternate naming enabled for the given series that overlaps each other (ie. you have Star Wars). You also haven't really provided enough information for me to try to duplicate the given problem on my end properly to see if it's a code problem, or something you have particular to your system.

What exactly are the alternate series names that you are using for each series (yes, I need to know both) that's causing the problem?

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

It happened again, and no there is no alternate naming for the comic. If the comic has a new one that week and there are annuals, it will continue to get the annuals until the new comic is added.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

@hitnrun30 , you mentioned at the beginning that you do have alternate naming for the given series, and now you're saying there is none - are you meaning alternate file-namingor alternate search names (they're different)? Do you have any alternate search terms being used for any of the series that have annuals enabled ?

Please provide some debug logs (since it just happened), to show what's happening. I can't replicate this given the limited amount of detailed information provided, plus without seeing logs it's almost impossible to even try to debug.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

No, because of what you said i removed them. but with the blow, it still thinks there is an alernate series name and there isnt any in the database set to that.

25-Apr-2018 06:30:28 - INFO :: mylar.run.27 : Thread-22 : [VersionCheck] Checking for new release on Github. 25-Apr-2018 06:30:28 - INFO :: mylar.checkGithub.196 : Thread-22 : Mylar is up to date 25-Apr-2018 06:30:28 - INFO :: mylar.dbUpdate.348 : Thread-17 : Update complete 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.run.28 : Thread-23 : [SEARCH] Running Search for Wanted. 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.searchforissue.1876 : Thread-23 : Initiating Search scan at the scheduled interval of 360 minutes. 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.searchforissue.1944 : Thread-23 : result: {'Issue_Number': u'1', 'IssueID': u'616201', 'StoreDate': u'2017-08-23', 'StoryArcID': None, 'SARC': None, 'IssueArcID': None, 'mode': 'want_ann', 'IssueDate': u'2017-10-31', 'ComicID': u'96284'} 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.issue_status.2374 : Thread-23 : returning false 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.70 : Thread-23 : Issue Title given as : None 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.75 : Thread-23 : Annual issue search detected. Appending to issue # 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.168 : Thread-23 : search provider order is ['newznab:NZBGeek', 'newznab:Crawler', 'torznab:KickAss'] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.475 : Thread-23 : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual issue: 1 (2017) using NZBGeek (newznab). 25-Apr-2018 06:31:04 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.681 : Thread-23 : pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.753 : Thread-23 : no errors on data retrieval...proceeding 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.364 : Thread-23 : Could not find Issue 1 of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual (2016) using NZBGeek [api] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.475 : Thread-23 : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual issue: 1 (2017) using Crawler (newznab). 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.681 : Thread-23 : pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.753 : Thread-23 : no errors on data retrieval...proceeding 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.364 : Thread-23 : Could not find Issue 1 of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual (2016) using Crawler [api] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.475 : Thread-23 : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual issue: 1 (2017) using KickAss (torznab). 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.681 : Thread-23 : pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - WARNING :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.721 : Thread-23 : Unable to retrieve search results from KickAss (torznab) [Status Code returned: 400] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.753 : Thread-23 : no errors on data retrieval...proceeding 25-Apr-2018 06:31:09 - INFO :: mylar.search_init.364 : Thread-23 : Could not find Issue 1 of Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual (2016) using KickAss [api] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:17 - INFO :: mylar.run.2380 : Thread-13 : [FOLDER-CHECK] Checking folder C:\Temp\Download for newly snatched downloads 25-Apr-2018 06:31:17 - INFO :: mylar.traverse_directories.1177 : Thread-13 : there are 0 files. 25-Apr-2018 06:31:17 - WARNING :: mylar.Process.380 : Thread-13 : There were no files located - check the debugging logs if you think this is in error. 25-Apr-2018 06:31:17 - INFO :: mylar.run.2383 : Thread-13 : [FOLDER-CHECK] Finished checking for newly snatched downloads 25-Apr-2018 06:31:39 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.475 : Thread-23 : Shhh be very quiet...I'm looking for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual issue: 1 (2017) using NZBGeek (newznab). 25-Apr-2018 06:31:39 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.681 : Thread-23 : pausing for 60 seconds before continuing to avoid hammering 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.NZB_SEARCH.753 : Thread-23 : no errors on data retrieval...proceeding 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.searcher.2317 : Thread-23 : Found Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual (2017) issue: 1 using NZBGeek (newznab) 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.searcher.2322 : Thread-23 : nzbid: 39f2d2aabcc12b37d75245adc29c5393 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.searcher.2323 : Thread-23 : IssueID: 616201 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.searcher.2324 : Thread-23 : oneoff: False 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.failed_check.244 : Thread-23 : prov : NZBGeek (newznab)[39f2d2aabcc12b37d75245adc29c5393] 25-Apr-2018 06:31:43 - INFO :: mylar.failed_check.255 : Thread-23 : [FAILED_DOWNLOAD_CHECKER] Successfully marked this download as Good for downloadable content 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.sender.41 : Thread-23 : parameters set to {'nzbname': u'Star.Wars-Doctor.Aphra.Annual.01.2017.digital.Minutemen-Midas.nzb', 'apikey': u'562ff8ddf6673321dfdbd744285e34dd', 'name': u'', 'cmd': 'downloadNZB', 'cat': u'Comics', 'priority': '-100', 'mode': 'addurl', 'output': 'json'} 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.sender.42 : Thread-23 : sending now to 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.sender.49 : Thread-23 : {u'status': True, u'nzo_ids': [u'SABnzbd_nzo_gmgsma']} 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.searcher.2800 : Thread-23 : Successfully sent nzb file to SABnzbd 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.nzblog.683 : Thread-23 : setting the nzbid for this download grabbed by NZBGeek (newznab) in the nzblog to : 39f2d2aabcc12b37d75245adc29c5393 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.foundsearch.751 : Thread-23 : [UPDATER] Updating status to snatched 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.foundsearch.847 : Thread-23 : [UPDATER] Updated the status (Snatched) complete for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual Issue: 1 25-Apr-2018 06:31:50 - INFO :: mylar.searchforissue.2016 : Thread-23 : Completed API Search scan 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.run.2380 : Thread-24 : [FOLDER-CHECK] Checking folder C:\Temp\Download for newly snatched downloads 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.traverse_directories.1177 : Thread-24 : there are 1 files. 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.Process.382 : Thread-24 : I have located 1 files that I should be able to post-process. Continuing... 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.Process.416 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING] Alternate series naming detected: Star Wars 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.duplicate_filecheck.2087 : Thread-24 : [DUPECHECK] Duplicate check for C:\Temp\Download\New Downloads\Comics\Star.Wars-Doctor.Aphra.Annual.01.2017.digital.Minutemen-Midas\Star Wars - Doctor Aphra Annual 01 (2017) (digital) (Minutemen-Midas).cbr 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.duplicate_filecheck.2211 : Thread-24 : [DUPECHECK] Duplication detection returned no hits. This is not a duplicate of anything that I have scanned in as of yet. 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.Process_next.1641 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING] [1/1] Starting Post-Processing for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual issue: 1 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.validateAndCreateDirectory.1348 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING][DIRECTORY-CHECK] Found comic directory: E:\Comics\Doctor Aphra 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.Process_next.2139 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING] move successful to : E:\Comics\Doctor Aphra\Star Wars Doctor Aphra Annual 001.cbr 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.foundsearch.850 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING][UPDATER] Setting status to Post-Processed in history. 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.foundsearch.907 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING][UPDATER] Updating Status (Post-Processed) now complete for Star Wars: Doctor Aphra Annual issue: 1 25-Apr-2018 06:32:17 - INFO :: mylar.Process_next.2288 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING] Post-Processing completed for: Star Wars: Doctor Aphra annual issue: 1 25-Apr-2018 06:32:18 - INFO :: mylar.Process.1275 : Thread-24 : [POST-PROCESSING] Manual post-processing completed for 1 issues.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Ok, so based on that - it says that your Aphra annual is actually in a Wanted or Failed status, which is why it keeps on getting queued up for searching.

The thing is, the Aphra issue for this week (the non-annual), has no comic information available on CV yet - which means Mylar can't mark it as Wanted, let alone search for that particular issue until the info is available. So that's not even in the mix at this point.

Check the status of the Aphra annual in your series detail page, and then do a Recheck Files. Unless you're sharing the same directory with another series, if the annual exists and you have annual integration enabled it will show as Downloaded provided it can properly parse the filename.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

I did earlier in the week. To make sure it was downloaded. when aphra was updated as having a new comic, it started looking for the annual.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Try it again. We're not talking last week, we're talking about this moment ;)

The only other thing it could be is if there's a stale entry in your annuals table that's causing an error for some reason. Is there any way you can send me the mylar.db file so I can check out what's happening precisely?

Also, what is your alt_pull set to in the config.ini?

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

db is attached, the alt_pull is set to 0 mylar.zip

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Ahh, that might be the cause then. Alt_pull = 0 is the old, legacy method that's only used when the newer method fails for some reason (just to make sure that people can still get their stuff). It's really not used anymore (it should be defaulting to the new method, but some installs never changed over from some other posts).

If I were a betting person, I would say that having it set to the old legacy method (which is almost broken in some instances) is the root cause of your problems here. Shut down Mylar, edit the config.ini and change the alt_pull to 2. Save the config, and then start Mylar back up. Go to the Weekly tab and you'll see a newer version of the pull-list (ie. proper capitialization of series, being able to go forward / back weeks, and some other things). Then do a ReCreate Pullist just to be on the safe side so you'll get the latest version of the pullist from the site (you'll see the last time a new pull-list was retrieved at the bottom of the screen - it auto-updates every 4 hrs).

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

ok, let me see, i wont download aphra and see if it does it again tonight by the way, the pull list is much better, any other updates i should do?

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Anything else as far as updates go is already built-in and readily available. The pull list has been available as alt_pull=2 for well over a year and a half now, so that's probably the biggest configurable change there is that you'll notice the changes to right away.

There's a somewhat new option in the config.ini alternate_latest_series_covers which if you set to True will change the series cover for the given series to the latest issue (it defaults to False) on each refresh/update (so if you just let Mylar run, it will eventually change the covers as it auto-updates series in the background). Just so you're not always staring at the same issue 1 cover when viewing any series.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Awesome, how do i make it refresh the images?

evilhero commented 6 years ago

It does it automatically when you refresh a series, or the pullist gets updated with new CV data, or the dB updater runs in the background doing updates every x minutes.

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

Ok, now im having a similar issue with Injustice 2. I'm trying to update the comic and finally i did it through manage comics and the error is below, I'm think it may be due to alternate_latest_series_covers

02-May-2018 09:40:16 - ERROR :: mylar.excepthook.313 : Thread-33 : Uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\HTPC\Mylar\mylar\logger.py", line 335, in new_run old_run(*args, *kwargs) File "C:\Python27\lib\threading.py", line 754, in run self.__target(self.args, **self.kwargs) File "C:\HTPC\Mylar\mylar\updater.py", line 183, in dbUpdate chkstatus = mylar.importer.addComictoDB(ComicID, mismatch, calledfrom='dbupdate', annload=annload, csyear=csyear) File "C:\HTPC\Mylar\mylar\importer.py", line 361, in addComictoDB imageurl = mylar.cv.getComic(comicid, 'image', issueid=imagetopull[0]) TypeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'getitem'

evilhero commented 6 years ago

Ok, looking at this now - it would seem you were initially correct in your guess that the data wasn't being written. There's some glitch in some series where it was bypassing the writing part so when it went to search for the issue number it couldn't locate it as it wasn't updated in the backend. So, my apologies for assuming something that wasn't. Hopefully can get a fix out shortly for this depending on how convoluted this becomes...

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

No prob, love the program. If you need help, my python isnt great, but i can get through the code and my Db skills are very good.

evilhero commented 6 years ago

@hitnrun30 , ok the fix for the latest cover error is in development now. There were some problems with Injustice 2 as well (which you mentioned), - I also fixed those in the latest commit. As well, Mylar will track the last cover by issueid now, so it will only download a new cover when the lastest issue changes for the given series. There's still a GUI refresh problem (when you click on Refresh series, it refreshes the series and immediately updates the cover, but it won't update the issue table if new issues are present, so you have to refresh the screen to see the new additions)

hitnrun30 commented 6 years ago

It looks good, except as you said, the gui doesn't refresh. I remember it used to do that all the time and the only way to update the swirl was to click on the Mylar icon to refresh the page.

JacksonB commented 6 years ago

I'm running into something similar to this. It looks like it might not be fixed yet as it is still open?

Running latest development branch version, git build 343c5a45b9d3bcb78a3075c98502dc0b087d9f54.

Mylar isn't trying to fetch annuals over and over, but is scanning them out of my Post-processing monitor directory and ingesting them every 30 minutes (my scan interval). My history will show the same annual post-processed over and over again. My action is set to "Copy"

This issue does not happen 100% of the time. Despite having multiple processed annuals in the monitored folder, Mylar usually only does this to a single Annual before I notice it and restart.

When this happens, I can't click into the series page that the Annual is attached to due to the following error:

Error !

TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()

<td id="select"><input type="checkbox" name="${issue['IssueID']}" class="issCheck checkbox" value="${issue['IssueID']}"/></td> <td id="int_issuenumber">${issue['Int_IssueNumber']}</td> <td id="issuenumber">${issue['Issue_Number']}</td> <% if len(issue['IssueName']) > 70: issuename = "%s..." % issue['IssueName'][:70] else: issuename = issue['IssueName'] endif
/opt/mylar/data/interfaces/default/comicdetails.html, line 314:
/opt/mylar/data/interfaces/default/base.html, line 87:
/opt/mylar/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 899:
callable_(context, *args, **kwargs)
/opt/mylar/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 873:
_exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs)
/opt/mylar/lib/mako/runtime.py, line 838:
**_kwargs_for_callable(callable_, data))
/opt/mylar/lib/mako/template.py, line 462:
return runtime._render(self, self.callable_, args, data)
/opt/mylar/mylar/webserve.py, line 55:
return template.render(http_root=mylar.CONFIG.HTTP_ROOT, **kwargs)

Restarting Mylar will cause it to stop post-processing the annual over and over as well as allow me to view the series page again. When I do this and view the series page, the annual is showing as Downloaded.

I do have an excerpt of the debug log from one of the duplicated post-processing but it is quite noisy so I have not included yet (but have it available upon request).

A side effect of this bug, is that the OPDS feed for "Recent Additions" will have multiple entries of the re-processed annual issue.

If this is not related to the initial problem with this issue I will remove and fork to a new issue. Thanks.