evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Annuals #194

Closed khaosx closed 10 years ago

khaosx commented 11 years ago

Just checking to see if Annuals are still unsupported, or if I'm just doing something wrong. I've got several annuals added as separate titles (e.g. Batgirl Annual (2012)). Mylar will add the title, download it, mark it as snatched, but never see it in the directory.

Mylar Version: master -- git build 1014f0c86c32694f60b5f07e6cb2d339b7531a62.

File was originally named "Batgirl Annual 001 (2012).cbr". File was renamed to "Batgirl Annual (2012)" for grins and giggles. Neither name can be found.

2013-01-31 11:11:22 INFO I've found 0 / 1 issues. 2013-01-31 11:11:22 INFO Now checking files for Batgirl Annual (2012) in /Volumes/Data/Comics/Batgirl Annual (2012) 2013-01-31 11:09:21 INFO I've found 0 / 1 issues. 2013-01-31 11:09:21 INFO Now checking files for Batgirl Annual (2012) in /Volumes/Data/Comics/Batgirl Annual (2012)

evilhero commented 11 years ago

Yeah the annuals were a toughie because of the way they are displayed.

I'll just remove the reference that basically stops the match in it's tracks if it is an annual and it will force it through. Personally I'm not fond of the way that Annuals for a given series are considered a 'seperate' series' by almost every online DB. I'd like to have them displayed on the same page as all the issues for a given series as it's a part of the series itself (in my opinion). Kinda like the way Sickbeard handles specials...it lists the specials with a given TV show, not as a seperate show :)

dreadxero commented 11 years ago

I was just coming to look if i had missed something with the Annuals myself. And thats a great way to think about it evilhero, expanding on that maybe have the ability to combine series manually so that something like X-men could all be grouped together or something, then people can view it how they want. I would love for Annuals to be picked up because a big part of what i use mylar for is to see what im missing. Love the work so far

evilhero commented 11 years ago

I don't think the combining thing will happen as it would cause problems for matchups when doing the online calls. Of course that being said I've said one thing before, and then I get into something and next thing you know its there ;)

pyntel commented 11 years ago

I'd vote a +1 for the feature request inherent in this thread: manually being able to combine loose 'series' into one larger overall series, easy for your reading and administration. It would look a lot like a 'reading list' then maybe...although support for reading lists is a cool thing too.

evilhero commented 11 years ago

This is somewhat working in the latest developmental build as a hidden option in the config.ini.

To enable annuals within Mylar:

[config.ini] annuals_on = 1

You also have to do a refresh on the given series for it to pull down the annual listings. It's not perfect (it's parsing from another DB), but it does pull them down. Formatting of titles, and I believe the icons need to be added...

pyntel commented 11 years ago

I just attempted this finally. Also on one of the series I thought it would be a challenge. The original The Avengers (1963) title and it's associated annuals (which I also have/had as a seperate title in Mylar so as to be able to correctly check it).

It does indeed pull them down and shows them below the regular comic and it's pagination controls.

What it misses at the moment: -seperate pagination, or at least I can't see annual 1 to 5. It only shows 23 down to annual 6. Maybe there's a limit that it pulls down or something that I'm not aware off. At least the display is cut off or not showing all annuals (which might also have to do with the other source it pulls annual info from might not have a complete set?) -the Name and Date fields don't show or get filled.

Another question I have is: when I finally do add an annual, where does it get downloaded and how does it get named?

evilhero commented 11 years ago

Actually according to the db, there is no annual 1-6 for whatever reason. In looking closer, I can see that there were King-Size Specials 1-5 (from 1967-1972) so it looks like it's a data problem of some sort. Either they weren't called Annuals prior to '72 and it switched thereafter to have the term, or the data's not complete.

The dates not getting filled is again because the data - it simply has 'Annual 1976' which is an easy enough fix since the actual month doesn't matter for annuals. But again, one of those things that need to get addressed for sure :)

The pagination (as an aside) is just a fullblown show-all kinda thing. I plan on having a tab for issues, and then a tab for annuals in the future (kinda like the way the Edit Settings option is now for a given series).

The naming and downloading is another beast entirely - but I'd like to have it either have the option to have an 'Annuals' directory within the series, or just lump it into the general series (but if you have your folder formatting set to $Series/($Year) for example it would put the given annual in the correct year folder). Unfortunately, I have to code the whole annual thing from scratch since 90% of what mylar does is based off of an actual issue# that doesn't contain any wording....

pyntel commented 11 years ago

Yeah, there is absolutely no rush for functionality for me. I just thought to get around testing this for you and provide some feedback on which to build further when there's time for it!

evilhero commented 10 years ago

I'm going to close this off now - as Annuals are included in both the master/development build and are working with downloading, filechecking, etc....

If there are any further issues (aside from the GUI-refresh/datatables error), please start a new issue :)