evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
GNU General Public License v3.0
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implement torznab test #2424

Closed ajslater closed 4 years ago

ajslater commented 4 years ago

torznab test was only partially implemented on the front end and never implemented on the back end, which of course made the test button fail as noticed in #2035

This PR supersedes #2419 and #2420

The partial front end torznab test implementation did not expose a Verify SSL button, but this PR does implement one on the front and back end.

This PR should be properly based on development branch, whereas https://github.com/evilhero/mylar/pull/2421 was based on master :( Don't use git on jetlag, kids.

barbequesauce commented 4 years ago


evilhero commented 4 years ago

Merged into development. Thanks for the PR!