evilhero / mylar

An automated Comic Book downloader (cbr/cbz) for use with SABnzbd, NZBGet and torrents
GNU General Public License v3.0
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No Search Results for Upcoming Comics #552

Closed digiwombat closed 7 years ago

digiwombat commented 11 years ago

The comic search function (for adding new comics to Mylar) returns no results if the comic in question hasn't actually been released yet.

Not sure if this is intended functionality or just an oversight but I'll give an example anyway:

Search for Rocket Girl or Pretty Deadly. No results.

Both books are coming out (Rocket Girl in a little over a week, Pretty Deadly in a few months). I sometimes forget when a book is actually getting released and being able to go ahead and add them would go a long way to making sure they're on my Pull List, so to speak.

evilhero commented 11 years ago

Well it's a nice feature to have most definitely but unfortunately the site Mylar uses to grab weekly info from doesn't really have an upcoming aspect ( > 1week out). Even if it did comicvine doesn't populate the data until the week of release so if it were to get added, it would be a blank entry or a stub entry in Mylar which would cause alot of issues (which may be manageable it's hard to say until it gets attempted)

I've tried this along time ago and it didn't work, but given that it's on one source now it might be possible in some aspect. I'll add this in as a feature request, and see about how difficult it would be to get going.

PCurd commented 11 years ago

A watch list would be useful, like a saved search that gets retried every week and if a match comic is found it (ideally) adds it to your pull list or (still also good) highlights it so you can review the results and pick the right option if it's there or re-add to the watch list for next time. Even a way to manually note a watch list which did nothing except remember the names for you would be useful.

evilhero commented 11 years ago

Well on the plus side I've found a site that has alot of information regarding upcoming series that aren't in ComicVine....unfortunately there's no api/rss feed for me to tap into - so I have to rely on my good ol' parsing skills - which basically means I need some time to get it working ;)

I have a few ideas for this concept, and I like what PCurd mentioned about having a watch list for upcoming series and then have it auto-add upon availability on the actual pullist. I like to be lazy when I leave things running and expect it to do all the work for me, so having it 'auto-add' is simple enough to do - it's just making sure that it's adding the right series (ps. reboots in the same year really suck goats balls hard)

Definitely marking this as an enhancement request.

evilhero commented 10 years ago

future-pull list in development build has the functionality now to 'keep watch' for a series that hasn't been released yet. Choose the 'Watch For' option and it will get added to the Upcoming/no-upcoming data tab. From within that you can run a Force Future Check to check to see if any of the 'Watch For' series has data on comicvine and if so it will auto-import and auto-want accordingly.