evilmartians / capybara-thruster

Thruster server definition for Capybara
MIT License
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Doesn't seem to work with Rack >= 3 out of the box #4

Open julianrubisch opened 7 hours ago

julianrubisch commented 7 hours ago

What did you do?

I just added capybara-thruster to my application_system_test_case.rb:

Capybara.server = :thruster, {puma_options: {Silent: true}}

What did you expect to happen?

That it works.

What actually happened?


LoadError: cannot load such file -- rack/handler (LoadError)

I googled the error and it seemed to be related to Rack 3 (?) but even manually adding rackup didn't help. The require 'rack/handler' seems to have been added here? https://github.com/evilmartians/capybara-thruster/commit/c65399c7e49396d7a49c7f031664eb4a99b26a53


Ruby Version: 3.3.5

Rack: 3.0.11

Capybara Thruster Version: 0.1.1

julianrubisch commented 7 hours ago

Can confirm that downgrading to 0.1.0 seems to fix the issue