evilpie / add-custom-search-engine

Add a custom search engine to the list of available search engines in Firefox
Mozilla Public License 2.0
172 stars 13 forks source link

Almost done doesnt show the add option on address bar right click #62

Open chrcoluk opened 5 months ago

chrcoluk commented 5 months ago

Cant actually add the option as the address bar right click has no add option as indicated by the extension. Notice it hasnt been updated for 3 years so is it possible its no longer compatible with Firefox?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<OpenSearchDescription xmlns="http://a9.com/-/spec/opensearch/1.1/">

<Image height="16" width="16">https://www.google.co.uk/favicon.ico</Image>
<Url type="text/html" method="GET" template="https://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&amp;q={searchTerms} +showthread.php +reddit "/>

evilpie commented 5 months ago

No. It still works.

kazerniel commented 3 months ago

It might depend on the site? Recently I could add Google Cache search (https://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:%s), but not DuckDuckGo (https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%s). The add new search engine button just doesn't appear in the dropdown in the last step.

In my experience the addon used to work with all search engines, but over the last month or so it stopped working for some sites.

evilpie commented 3 months ago

For something like DuckDuckGo, which already exists in Firefox, there might be some kind of conflict that prevents adding it. If it happens the next time, maybe try changing the name to something else. And report back.

(Both Google Cache and DDG for work me)

kazerniel commented 3 months ago

Thank you, it did work with the name changed. I haven't had a profile reset in Firefox for so long, I haven't realised DDG was now one of the defaults.

So this kinda ties in with #61, default engines are blocked without an error message, even if they have been removed by the user before trying to add them with the addon.

evilpie commented 3 months ago

We already check for installed search engines using the search.get API. However as far as I remember this doesn't include removed search engines, which still prevent the name from being used.