evilsocket / pwnagotchi

(⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
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Pwnagotchi web UI not working #1214

Open Soraya-sky opened 4 months ago

Soraya-sky commented 4 months ago

Hello everyone ! I've been struggling a bit with my pwnagotchi. After 4 days on it, I'm still no able to connect to the web UI.

I run the pwnagotchi on a raspi0w, without display. My config.tolm seems to be working as the name of my pwnagotchi have been successfully changed. Although it's a bit weird because it's not always removed from the /boot directory on the SD card.

Here is my config.tolm file :

main.name = "mychosenname" main.lang = "en" main.whitelist = [ "fo:od:ba:be:fo:od", "fo:od:ba" ]

main.plugins.grid.enabled = true main.plugins.grid.report = true main.plugins.grid.exclude = [ "" ]

ui.display.enabled = false ui.display.type = "waveshare_2" ui.display.color = "black"

main.plugins.bt-tether.enabled = true

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.enabled = true # the name of this entry is android-phone main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.search_order = 1 # in which order the devices should

be searched. E.g. this is #1

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.mac = "XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX" # you need to put your phones

bt-mac here (settings > status)

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.ip = "" # this is the static ip of your pwnagotchi

adjust this to your phones pan-network

                                                                  ## (run "ifconfig bt-pan" on your phone)
                                                                  ## if you feel lucky,
                                                                  ## try: (Android) or
                                                                  ## (iOS)
                                                                  ## 44 is just an example, you can choose
                                                                  ## between 2-254 (if netmask is 24)

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.netmask = 24 # netmask of the PAN main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.interval = 1 # in minutes, how often should

the device be searched

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.scantime = 10 # in seconds, how long should be searched

on each interval

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.max_tries = 10 # how many times it should try to find the

phone (0 = endless)

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.share_internet = false # set to true if you want to have

internet via bluetooth

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.android-phone.priority = 1 # the device with the highest

priority wins (1 = highest)

main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.ios-phone.enabled = false # next device... main.plugins.bt-tether.devices.ios-phone.search_order = 2

ui.web.enabled = true ui.web.username = "username" ui.web.password = "password" ui.web.address = "" ui.web.origin = "" ui.web.port = "8080" ui.web.on_frame = ""

The only strange thing about that is that my computer is creating a new network almost each time I plug the pwnagotchi (network4,network5, etc.)

Does anyone have an idea of the problem ? Thanks for the help

mieg commented 4 months ago

In the line ui.web.enabled_ = true i would delete the _ at the end of enabled

Soraya-sky commented 4 months ago

In the line ui.web.enabled_ = true i would delete the _ at the end of enabled

I think it's just due to the copy/past and trying to put in italic on the post, because it's not in my original file. But thanks :-)

(I edited btw)

sosdos commented 4 months ago

are you able to connect to the bettercap ui at

i had the issue that while I could connect to bettercap, I couldn't connect to the actual ui using pwnagotchi.local:8080.

solved by just using to get there instead

to be clear: for bettercap for web ui (the face)

Soraya-sky commented 4 months ago

are you able to connect to the bettercap ui at

i had the issue that while I could connect to bettercap, I couldn't connect to the actual ui using pwnagotchi.local:8080.

solved by just using to get there instead

to be clear: for bettercap for web ui (the face)

Yes I'm able to connect to bettercap at, but the web ui won't work neither at nor atpwnagotchi.local:8080.

sosdos commented 4 months ago

maybe try removing everything about the web ui from your config file.

if that doesn't work, try replacing the text in your config file with this (default config file):

main.name = "pwnagotchi" main.lang = "en"

main.plugins.grid.enabled = true main.plugins.grid.report = true

ui.display.enabled = true ui.display.type = "waveshare_2" ui.display.color = "black"

Soraya-sky commented 4 months ago

maybe try removing everything about the web ui from your config file.

if that doesn't work, try replacing the text in your config file with this (default config file):

main.name = "pwnagotchi" main.lang = "en"

main.plugins.grid.enabled = true main.plugins.grid.report = true

ui.display.enabled = true ui.display.type = "waveshare_2" ui.display.color = "black"

Thanks, my computer is broken right now, but I’ll try this asap

wichi92 commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @Soraya-sky any updates on this? I have the same issue like you.

xiaoyao9184 commented 1 week ago


check process

ps -aux | grep pwnagotchi

check service Active: active (running)

systemctl status pwngrid-peer.service  --no-pager --quiet
systemctl status bettercap  --no-pager --quiet
systemctl status pwnagotchi  --no-pager --quiet

check config no error

pwnagotchi --print-config

try run manual

/usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/pwnagotchi --manual