It would be nice if pwnagotchi could be more intrusive and perform various WPS attacks.
Like Pixie Dust and regular PIN bruteforce.
It will allow connects to AP's and get internet access in AI mode.
Since WPS pin bruteforce is time consuming attack, it can be started only if AI detects that unit is not moving and stays in one place for a while. Pixie attack can be run more often, because it's not consuming so much time.
Bettercap does not support WPS attack, and this is a problem. I don't know what is the good way to implement this feature except add this type of attack to bettercap.
It would be nice if pwnagotchi could be more intrusive and perform various WPS attacks. Like Pixie Dust and regular PIN bruteforce. It will allow connects to AP's and get internet access in AI mode.
Since WPS pin bruteforce is time consuming attack, it can be started only if AI detects that unit is not moving and stays in one place for a while. Pixie attack can be run more often, because it's not consuming so much time.
Bettercap does not support WPS attack, and this is a problem. I don't know what is the good way to implement this feature except add this type of attack to bettercap.