evilsocket / pwnagotchi

(⌐■_■) - Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFi pwning.
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Advertise BLE Services for Better iOS/Android Support #516

Open nikhiljha opened 4 years ago

nikhiljha commented 4 years ago

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Connecting the Pwnagotchi to an Android or iOS device is necessary for anything involving internet to work, but it's a huge pain. Even when connected, it's not possible to use the phone's GPS (for example) to determine position, which is a waste since you need to carry the phone around anyway.

Describe the solution you'd like

  1. Update bluez to >= 5.4X if it isn't already.
  2. Create a plugin that runs a BLE GATT server that allows (a) sending pcaps (b) requesting GPS coordinates (c) receiving GPS coordinates.

Once that's done, it's fairly trivial to create an app to interface with that. This is what a lot of devices (especially smartwatches) already do, so it should work.

Additional context I'm imagining an app that allows you to connect to the pwnagotchi and send GPS coordinates to it when the pwnagotchi requests it. Then, when a pcap is generated, it gets sent back to the app for upload / processing / whatever. It should feel a lot nicer than BT tethering.

nikhiljha commented 4 years ago

I can make a pretty app (Flutter / cross platform) once the GATT profiles are made, and I'm pretty sure the plugin bit isn't hard, but I want to gauge if this is something people would be interested in first.

evilsocket commented 4 years ago

What is a huge pain exactly? Because it's pretty easy and it works smoothly out of the box ... i have the feeling you're creating issues where there aren't any.

evilsocket commented 4 years ago

i think the top priority in terms of making an app is https://community.pwnagotchi.ai/t/pwnmail-web-client/46/5

nikhiljha commented 4 years ago

That's a fair point. It's mostly an iOS thing (you need to have a WiFi AP on along with a Bluetooth AP). A GATT server is the more "correct" way of doing things since nearly every other device does it (Fitbit, etc.).

Keeping it as-is and building an app on top is definitely easier as things are right now though.

operationairstrike commented 6 months ago

I need this improvement now!

operationairstrike commented 6 months ago

@evilsocket pls implement

maxxer commented 6 months ago

@evilsocket pls implement

That's a very bad attitude. If you need it now then fund the development, don't expect others to do it for you, for free.

operationairstrike commented 6 months ago


maxxer commented 6 months ago

Then simply pay one. And also pay a therapist so you can learn how to behave.

operationairstrike commented 6 months ago


evilsocket commented 6 months ago

@maxxer thank you. @operationairstrike che cazzo te ridi? a cojone