evilstreak / markdown-js

A Markdown parser for javascript
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Numbered lists defy expectations #211

Open yamikuronue opened 9 years ago

yamikuronue commented 9 years ago

When typing a list that begins with a number other than 1, the numbering is not preserved by the markdown parser. I understand this is typical of markdown, however, the new standard specifies that the numbering should be preserved due to the principle of least surprise.

Standard: http://jgm.github.io/stmd/spec.html#list-items : "If the list item is ordered, then it is also assigned a start number, based on the ordered list marker."

This was originally reported as a bug in Discourse, which uses this library for markdown parsing; I've been informed that they don't alter the behavior at all, so it must be coming from this library. See: https://meta.discourse.org/t/improve-numbered-lists/11951

codingisacopingstrategy commented 9 years ago

Hello! I guess this is a duplicate of https://github.com/evilstreak/markdown-js/issues/210 because as you say, for the moment this library follows the old-skool Gruber style of Markdown