evilstreak / markdown-js

A Markdown parser for javascript
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Suggestion for filters helpers #231

Open Xananax opened 9 years ago

Xananax commented 9 years ago

Although I love the architecture of markdown-js, I think the basics are quite difficult to grasp for a newbie. There is no clear spec for jsonml to find anywhere (at least I couldn't?), and how to add your own hooks is not quite obvious at all. While trying to make sense of all of this, I've created this little repo: markdown-more, which creates some easy hooks for manipulating data, and provides several examples of usage.
The API and doc is a bit of a mess right now (first commit), but I'd consider making it better and cleaning it up if you were interested in incorporating it into the main branch, or even if you simply have advice on how to make it better as a standalone, in case merging it is not desirable.

If you're interested, in order to get the gist of it quickly, skip the readme, go directly to the examples, and see if there is anything you think might make life easier.