evilstreak / markdown-js

A Markdown parser for javascript
7.69k stars 864 forks source link

Maintainer(s) wanted. #266

Open gangstead opened 8 years ago

gangstead commented 8 years ago

It clearly isn't supported anymore, but they got the good name on npm.

ashb commented 8 years ago

As has become clear @evilstreak and I no longer have the time or headspace to maintain this project

@eviltrout Would you be interested in taking over maintenance and ownership of this project? I'm not sure if Discourse uses this anymore, or if you are still involved in Discourse either.

eviltrout commented 8 years ago

Discourse does still use it, but we are committed to upgrading to commonmark, so we will unfortunately be migrating to markdown-it this year :(

gangstead commented 8 years ago

I continued looking yesterday and came to the conclusion that markdown-it was the way to go especially for speed and ease of setup, or possibly remark if you need a lot of customizability. You wouldn't know this from searching on npm it would seem that this package is the default, markdown-it is halfway down the page and remark is no where to be seen.

NPM uses markymarkdown which is just their wrapper for markdown-it.

It sounds like the best thing to do for the community is deprecate this package. If one of the owners could run:

npm deprecate markdown "This package is no longer maintained, please consider migrating to `markdown-it` or `remark` instead"

And also put that warning at the top of the readme it would save a lot of people accidentally using an outdated & unsupported dependency based on the results of NPM Inc's terrible search.

bripkens commented 8 years ago

Thank you for this information @gangstead. You just saved me from some Googling and GitHub pulse comparisons! :)

benjycui commented 8 years ago

@gangstead I read documents of markdown-it and remark. They are great, but if I need to filter code block from markdown or re-organize content, markdown-js is a better way to do so, for I can process Json-ML directly.

ashb commented 8 years ago

@benjycui Since you're unknown to start with would you mind forking (and submitting some things as PRs) so we can get to know each other a bit first?

I really appreciate someone stepping up and offering to take over, but I don't want to just hand over control to someone brand new. I hope you understand.