evilstreak / markdown-js

A Markdown parser for javascript
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Don't allow unsafe URIs #52

Closed zauguin closed 11 years ago

zauguin commented 12 years ago

This fix filter out link and image URIs like javascript:alert(); that are used for XSS. It uses whitelisting and only allows http(s) and ftp URIs.

Shedal commented 11 years ago

Why hasn't this been pulled?

ashb commented 11 years ago

Primarily because we forgot to look at it when this PR was first opened. A few things come to mind:

  1. Is that it is inflexible. Sane defaults are good but some people might want to allow javascript URLs (or schemes other than the hard-coded list)
  2. Secondly is that I think this is done at the wrong level and the filtering should be performed when converting the internal representation to HTML, not when converting it to JsonML
  3. No unit tests.

Do you fancy looking at these three points?

ashb commented 11 years ago

Oh and one last thing - the checkURI function is exposed globally in a browser which is not ideal - exports should be kept to a minimum (having it 'per instance' rather than global is preferable too)

zauguin commented 11 years ago

Can anyone try the last commit? Currently I'm not using this and just wrote a quick hack to fix some problems.

ashb commented 11 years ago

You've got a few bugs - did I mention that I'd like some unit tests? ;)

Let me know if you'd like some pointers on writing one - it shouldn't take much to add a few simple tests for this behaviour if you already have node.js installed.

acornejo commented 11 years ago

Is this patch included in the master branch yet?

I've been using showdown to convert markdown->html, but I just realized showdown allows all sorts of XSS attacks, and I've been looking for an alternative (and found this project).

While some people might want to allow "javascript:" links, I think that most people who use markdown (as opposed to regular HTML), are actually trying to prevent the users from executing arbitrary scripts.

evilstreak commented 11 years ago

I like this as a concept, but the execution isn't ready to be merged.

The lack of tests and bugs aside, the best way to handle this would be by running a filter over the whole JsonML tree before processing to the next step. We plan to make some architectural changes soon™ which will make filters like this a lot easier. Until then I'm going to close this issue unless someone wants to drive it forwards.

BernhardPosselt commented 10 years ago

Just wanted to say that I think it is highly unprofessional to turn down a security fix and then not going fix the issue on over 9 months.

evilstreak commented 10 years ago

There are a lot of ways to sneak exploits into HTML during conversion from Markdown. Here are a few: example exploits.

If you want to be sure your output is sanitised then you need to check that output — you shouldn't rely on the Markdown conversion tool to produce output matching your definition of safe.

Nevertheless, thanks for sharing your disappointment in this project.

BernhardPosselt commented 10 years ago

This lib creates HTML from user input so it's the libs responsibility to sanitize the output. I can ofc create a markdown parser and sanitize stuff before I send it to this parser but then why do I use this library. Similarly I can create an HTML parser that runs through markdown html output but performance will suck and why do I have to do this, I just want to use the lib.

This lib has a markdown parser and the fix would be easy and perform well. No one wants to create JavaScript links with markdown and no one expects that he has to sanitize the output so it's the libs responsibility to guarantee safe output.

Shedal commented 10 years ago

PageDown has a separate sanitizer module: https://code.google.com/p/pagedown/source/browse/Markdown.Sanitizer.js

This could be a way to go for you as well.

BernhardPosselt commented 10 years ago

And if you still think that sanitation is no the libs job then please put a big fat disclaimer at the top of your readme that says that this lib is vulnerable to xss