evilstreak / markdown-js

A Markdown parser for javascript
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Windows linebreak issues #58

Closed sippeangelo closed 11 years ago

sippeangelo commented 12 years ago

I found that markdown.js is having trouble parsing through windows linebreaks. For example, with code blocks:

    This is code
    Is this also code?

Which produces this output:

<pre><code>This is code</code></pre>

    Is this code?</p>

Is this something the library should handle or do I have to keep normalizing the linebreaks before I parse?

ashb commented 12 years ago

Hmmm good question...

The output is less than ideal, and I can't think of any reason when you'd want a literal \r in the output like that, so I think it is something this module should be dealing with.

adicirstei commented 12 years ago

Any news regarding this?

tcrosen commented 12 years ago

Also having this issue.

I should mention using Unix-style line breaks in my editor does solve the problem.

adicirstei commented 12 years ago

I am using it as a nodejs module in order to render blogposts edited in browser. So I have no means (I know of) to change the line break style. In the mean time, I'm replacing \r before rendereing.

XhmikosR commented 12 years ago

I can't break any line if I use CRLF... I found that with LF and 3 trailing spaces, line breaks work fine. This happens with h5ai which is using markdown-js.

matthewkastor commented 11 years ago

Workaround While My Solution is Ignored

I've submitted a patch which fixes this issue but the pull request has been ignored for over a month now. To implement a filter for the markdown you want to parse just do

var input = "# Heading\r\n\r\nParagraph";

// All line endings are converted to `\n` so the issue should not affect you anymore. 
input = input.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/g, '\n');
// input is now equal to: "# Heading\n\nParagraph"

var output = require( "markdown" ).markdown.toHTML( input );
print( output );

The real issue occurs in the Markdown.prototype.split_blocks function defined in lib/markdown.js. That function depends on line endings always being \n and proceeds without warning when other line ending styles are used. Later in the process \r causes issues with parsing and you end up with unexpected results. There should be explicit instructions stating that users are responsible for converting line endings prior to running markdown on their source or, an explicit notification that all line endings will be converted to \n, if my pull request is used.

Reference pull request #64

evilstreak commented 11 years ago

Fixed by 67d8fee216a0a735569c357d95ad338297f712d8.

qawemlilo commented 11 years ago

I encountered this same problem today while working on a blogging engine. To fix it I used the commend below:

dos2unix postsdirectory/*.md
evilstreak commented 11 years ago

Hi @qawemlilo. Do you still get the error with the latest code from Github, or is that using 0.4.0? It should be fixed in HEAD now, so if it's not I'd love to know.

qawemlilo commented 11 years ago

Hi @evilstreak, you are right I'm using the npm version which is still on 0.4.0, will fork the latest. This is an awesome project by the way.