evilz / vscode-reveal

Revealjs vsCode extension
MIT License
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Add support for configuring remote Server #1127

Open drunkdev1991 opened 1 year ago

drunkdev1991 commented 1 year ago

Revealts Server can not open preview on code-server

Hi folks, huge fan of this extenions.

System setup

I installed it successfully on a local standalone remote code-server (see https://coder.com/docs/code-server/latest/install) on CentOS8. I expect similar behaviour from official vscode-server preview (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/remote/vscode-server), i was not able to reproduce yet though.


Extenstion´s function "show presentation by side", which usually renders the HTML and provides preview, does not function properly.

Possible resoultion

No idea how to build those VS code extensions yet - however while going through the source code in: https://github.com/evilz/vscode-reveal/blob/master/src/RevealServer.ts Line 18 and following defines hard coded "localhost" - which is not reachable in case of remote host. So, asking for the actual IP address (e.g. with os package) or making this value part of configuration should resolve this issue.


Thinking further of network settings, same feature for general forwarding (ports, proxys...) would be neat


evilz commented 1 year ago


I think "remote server" will be hard. The extension start a local server. Not sure I can do that on coder.