evincarofautumn / kitten

A statically typed concatenative systems programming language.
1.08k stars 39 forks source link

fail to build #143

Closed xieyuheng closed 8 years ago

xieyuheng commented 9 years ago
Welcome to the Emacs shell

0  /home/xyh 
cd lang/
0  /home/xyh/lang 
APL       factor            lua            reda4
BASIC     fasm              mal            ruby
C         forth             mark-language  rust
Nimrod    haskell           maxima         sassy
agda      hla               minotaur       scheme
algol     io                nand2tetris    sexp
b4        java              oberon         shen
bash      javascript        ocaml          smalltalk
cicada    joy               old-reading    smile
clojure   kitten            org            sml
compiler  kona              pascal         subtext
coq       l                 perl           tcl
daedalus  language-perils   pict           template-language
dale      learnxinyminutes  play           vala
digrap    lfe               prolog         vm
dylan     lisp              python         xiaolinguist
emacs     logo              racket         xlisp
erlang    low-level         reading        yasm
0  /home/xyh/lang 
cd kitten/
0  /home/xyh/lang/kitten 
LICENSE.md  cabal.sandbox.config  ftdetect      kitten.h  src
Makefile    doc                   kitten.c      lib       syntax
README.md   examples              kitten.cabal  mini      test
0  /home/xyh/lang/kitten 
cabal sandbox init
Writing a default package environment file to
Using an existing sandbox located at /home/xyh/lang/kitten/.cabal-sandbox
cabal install --enable-tests --only-dependencies
Warning: The package list for 'hackage.haskell.org' is 170 days old.
Run 'cabal update' to get the latest list of available packages.
Resolving dependencies...
cabal: Could not resolve dependencies:
trying: kitten-0.1 (user goal)
trying: base- (dependency of kitten-0.1)
rejecting: kitten-0.1:!test (global constraint requires opposite flag
trying: kitten-0.1:*test
trying: hspec-2.1.2 (dependency of kitten-0.1:*test)
trying: hspec-core-2.1.2 (dependency of hspec-2.1.2)
trying: tf-random-0.5 (dependency of hspec-core-2.1.2)
next goal: primitive (dependency of tf-random-0.5)
rejecting: primitive- (conflict: base =>
ghc-prim==, primitive => ghc-prim>=0.2 && <0.4)
rejecting: primitive-, (conflict:
base==, primitive => base>=4.3 && <4.8)
rejecting: primitive- (conflict: base==,
primitive => base>=4 && <4.8)
rejecting: primitive-, 0.5, 0.4.1,, 0.4, 0.3.1, 0.3 (conflict:
base==, primitive => base>=4 && <4.7)
rejecting: primitive-0.2.1, 0.2, 0.1 (conflict: tf-random => primitive>=0.3)
Backjump limit reached (change with --max-backjumps).

Note: when using a sandbox, all packages are required to have consistent
dependencies. Try reinstalling/unregistering the offending packages or
recreating the sandbox.
Makefile:112: recipe for target 'deps' failed
make: *** [deps] Error 1
2  /home/xyh/lang/kitten 
uname -a
Linux CICADA 4.0.5-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jun 6 18:37:49 CEST 2015 x86_64 GNU/Linux
0  /home/xyh/lang/kitten 
ghc --numeric-version
0  /home/xyh/lang/kitten 
evincarofautumn commented 9 years ago

Did you try running cabal update? Your package list is out of date. If that fixes the issue, I will add a note to the README. Otherwise, I’ll need to look more closely at the dependency versions.