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Week 01 - Day 2 - Expanding your world #2

Closed mdewey closed 5 years ago

mdewey commented 5 years ago

Expanding Your World

In this assignment, you will end up with a simple styled web page, published on the web.

Create a new website that shows some basic styling and formatting using HTML and CSS. This website should help share some information for one of your favorite hobbies.



Explorer Mode

Adventure Mode

Epic Mode

Additional Resources



Reading Material

To prep for tomorrow's lesson, you can read about flexbox.

evixamar commented 5 years ago

!DOCTYPE html>


My Hobbies

Anyone who’s done boxing training will tell you this is one of the hardest of hardcore workouts there is – incredible cardio, strength, endurance, and coordination. Muay Thai is the hottest boxing style around, so there’s never been a better time to take it up. boxing pic

My myHobbies

Learn To Play An Instrument: It’s one of the most commonly cited activities for helping increase IQ. And there’s evidence that playing music changes the structure and function of the brain, with parts of your grey matter that control memory, hearing and motor skills becoming more active. Plus, playing ‘Sweet Child Of Mine’ on the accordion is quite the party piece. playing the guitar

myhobbies> Take Photographs -Without Your Phone It seems like a thing of the past – a lost analog art, if you like – but there are still impressive film cameras available to buy. Old-school cameras are still superior in natural light for authentic-looking photographs. Plus, by having to get it right, you skip all the time you spend dropping filters or fiddling in post-production apps on your phone. You have to be in the moment. Picture p>


In this video curtesy of W3 school, you will see nature at its best in Alaska. -EMV-
evixamar commented 5 years ago


Please let me know if you have any questions.

evixamar commented 5 years ago


Please let me know if you have any questions.

mdewey commented 5 years ago

Please submit to me the GitHub repository so I can see your code.

evixamar commented 5 years ago


Please let me know if you have any questions

mdewey commented 5 years ago

Please submit to me the GitHub repository so I can see your code.

This should look something like this:


Let me know if you still need help

mdewey commented 5 years ago

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