evmos / burn-auction-dapp

Evmos chain's burn auction dApp
0 stars 1 forks source link

Run local node and tests manually interactions with it #5

Closed sandoche closed 4 weeks ago

sandoche commented 4 weeks ago


Start local chain

  1. Pull this branch https://github.com/evmos/evmos/tree/release/v20.0.x
  2. Copy the following script in local_node.sh

CHAINID="${CHAIN_ID:-evmos_9000-1}" MONIKER="localtestnet"

Remember to change to other types of keyring like 'file' in-case exposing to outside world,

otherwise your balance will be wiped quickly

The keyring test does not require private key to steal tokens from you

KEYRING="test" KEYALGO="eth_secp256k1" LOGLEVEL="info"

Set dedicated home directory for the evmosd instance


to trace evm



feemarket params basefee


Path variables

CONFIG=$HOMEDIR/config/config.toml APP_TOML=$HOMEDIR/config/app.toml GENESIS=$HOMEDIR/config/genesis.json TMP_GENESIS=$HOMEDIR/config/tmp_genesis.json

validate dependencies are installed

command -v jq >/dev/null 2>&1 || { echo >&2 "jq not installed. More info: https://stedolan.github.io/jq/download/" exit 1 }

used to exit on first error (any non-zero exit code)

set -e

Parse input flags

install=true overwrite=""

while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do key="$1" case $key in -y) echo "Flag -y passed -> Overwriting the previous chain data." overwrite="y" shift # Move past the flag ;; -n) echo "Flag -n passed -> Not overwriting the previous chain data." overwrite="n" shift # Move past the argument ;; --no-install) echo "Flag --no-install passed -> Skipping installation of the evmosd binary." install=false shift # Move past the flag ;; *) echo "Unknown flag passed: $key -> Exiting script!" exit 1 ;; esac done

if [[ $install == true ]]; then

(Re-)install daemon

make install


User prompt if neither -y nor -n was passed as a flag

and an existing local node configuration is found.

if [[ $overwrite = "" ]]; then if [ -d "$HOMEDIR" ]; then printf "\nAn existing folder at '%s' was found. You can choose to delete this folder and start a new local node with new keys from genesis. When declined, the existing local node is started. \n" "$HOMEDIR" echo "Overwrite the existing configuration and start a new local node? [y/n]" read -r overwrite else overwrite="y" fi fi

Setup local node if overwrite is set to Yes, otherwise skip setup

if [[ $overwrite == "y" || $overwrite == "Y" ]]; then

Remove the previous folder

rm -rf "$HOMEDIR"

# Set client config
evmosd config keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"
evmosd config chain-id "$CHAINID" --home "$HOMEDIR"

# myKey address 0x7cb61d4117ae31a12e393a1cfa3bac666481d02e | evmos10jmp6sgh4cc6zt3e8gw05wavvejgr5pwjnpcky
VAL_MNEMONIC="gesture inject test cycle original hollow east ridge hen combine junk child bacon zero hope comfort vacuum milk pitch cage oppose unhappy lunar seat"

# dev0 address 0xc6fe5d33615a1c52c08018c47e8bc53646a0e101 | evmos1cml96vmptgw99syqrrz8az79xer2pcgp84pdun
USER1_MNEMONIC="copper push brief egg scan entry inform record adjust fossil boss egg comic alien upon aspect dry avoid interest fury window hint race symptom"

# dev1 address 0x963ebdf2e1f8db8707d05fc75bfeffba1b5bac17 | evmos1jcltmuhplrdcwp7stlr4hlhlhgd4htqh3a79sq
USER2_MNEMONIC="maximum display century economy unlock van census kite error heart snow filter midnight usage egg venture cash kick motor survey drastic edge muffin visual"

# dev2 address 0x40a0cb1C63e026A81B55EE1308586E21eec1eFa9 | evmos1gzsvk8rruqn2sx64acfsskrwy8hvrmafqkaze8
USER3_MNEMONIC="will wear settle write dance topic tape sea glory hotel oppose rebel client problem era video gossip glide during yard balance cancel file rose"

# dev3 address 0x498B5AeC5D439b733dC2F58AB489783A23FB26dA | evmos1fx944mzagwdhx0wz7k9tfztc8g3lkfk6rrgv6l
USER4_MNEMONIC="doll midnight silk carpet brush boring pluck office gown inquiry duck chief aim exit gain never tennis crime fragile ship cloud surface exotic patch"

# Import keys from mnemonics
echo "$VAL_MNEMONIC" | evmosd keys add "$VAL_KEY" --recover --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --algo "$KEYALGO" --home "$HOMEDIR"
echo "$USER1_MNEMONIC" | evmosd keys add "$USER1_KEY" --recover --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --algo "$KEYALGO" --home "$HOMEDIR"
echo "$USER2_MNEMONIC" | evmosd keys add "$USER2_KEY" --recover --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --algo "$KEYALGO" --home "$HOMEDIR"
echo "$USER3_MNEMONIC" | evmosd keys add "$USER3_KEY" --recover --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --algo "$KEYALGO" --home "$HOMEDIR"
echo "$USER4_MNEMONIC" | evmosd keys add "$USER4_KEY" --recover --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --algo "$KEYALGO" --home "$HOMEDIR"

# Set moniker and chain-id for Evmos (Moniker can be anything, chain-id must be an integer)
evmosd init $MONIKER -o --chain-id "$CHAINID" --home "$HOMEDIR"

# Change parameter token denominations to aevmos
jq '.app_state["staking"]["params"]["bond_denom"]="aevmos"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"
jq '.app_state["gov"]["deposit_params"]["min_deposit"][0]["denom"]="aevmos"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"
# When upgrade to cosmos-sdk v0.47, use gov.params to edit the deposit params
jq '.app_state["gov"]["params"]["min_deposit"][0]["denom"]="aevmos"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"
jq '.app_state["evm"]["params"]["evm_denom"]="aevmos"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"
jq '.app_state["inflation"]["params"]["mint_denom"]="aevmos"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"
jq '.app_state["epochs"]["epochs"][0]["duration"]="25s"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"

Add token pair for uatom

jq '.app_state["erc20"]["token_pairs"][1]["erc20_address"]="0x5db67696C3c088DfBf588d3dd849f44266ff0ffa"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS" jq '.app_state["erc20"]["token_pairs"][1]["denom"]="uatom"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS" jq '.app_state["erc20"]["token_pairs"][1]["enabled"]=true' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS" jq '.app_state["erc20"]["token_pairs"][1]["contract_owner"]=1' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"

# Set gas limit in genesis
jq '.consensus_params["block"]["max_gas"]="10000000"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"

# Set base fee in genesis
jq '.app_state["feemarket"]["params"]["base_fee"]="'${BASEFEE}'"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"

if [[ $1 == "pending" ]]; then
    if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_propose = "3s"/timeout_propose = "30s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"/timeout_propose_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_prevote = "1s"/timeout_prevote = "10s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"/timeout_prevote_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_precommit = "1s"/timeout_precommit = "10s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"/timeout_precommit_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_commit = "5s"/timeout_commit = "150s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i '' 's/timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"/timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "150s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_propose = "3s"/timeout_propose = "30s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_propose_delta = "500ms"/timeout_propose_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_prevote = "1s"/timeout_prevote = "10s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_prevote_delta = "500ms"/timeout_prevote_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_precommit = "1s"/timeout_precommit = "10s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_precommit_delta = "500ms"/timeout_precommit_delta = "5s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_commit = "5s"/timeout_commit = "150s"/g' "$CONFIG"
        sed -i 's/timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "10s"/timeout_broadcast_tx_commit = "150s"/g' "$CONFIG"

# enable prometheus metrics and all APIs for dev node
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
    sed -i '' 's/prometheus = false/prometheus = true/' "$CONFIG"
    sed -i '' 's/prometheus-retention-time = 0/prometheus-retention-time  = 1000000000000/g' "$APP_TOML"
    sed -i '' 's/enabled = false/enabled = true/g' "$APP_TOML"
    sed -i '' 's/enable = false/enable = true/g' "$APP_TOML"
    # Don't enable memiavl by default
    grep -q -F '[memiavl]' "$APP_TOML" && sed -i '' '/\[memiavl\]/,/^\[/ s/enable = true/enable = false/' "$APP_TOML"
    sed -i 's/prometheus = false/prometheus = true/' "$CONFIG"
    sed -i 's/prometheus-retention-time  = "0"/prometheus-retention-time  = "1000000000000"/g' "$APP_TOML"
    sed -i 's/enabled = false/enabled = true/g' "$APP_TOML"
    sed -i 's/enable = false/enable = true/g' "$APP_TOML"
    # Don't enable memiavl by default
    grep -q -F '[memiavl]' "$APP_TOML" && sed -i '/\[memiavl\]/,/^\[/ s/enable = true/enable = false/' "$APP_TOML"

# Change proposal periods to pass within a reasonable time for local testing
sed -i.bak 's/"max_deposit_period": "172800s"/"max_deposit_period": "30s"/g' "$GENESIS"
sed -i.bak 's/"voting_period": "172800s"/"voting_period": "30s"/g' "$GENESIS"

# set custom pruning settings
sed -i.bak 's/pruning = "default"/pruning = "custom"/g' "$APP_TOML"
sed -i.bak 's/pruning-keep-recent = "0"/pruning-keep-recent = "2"/g' "$APP_TOML"
sed -i.bak 's/pruning-interval = "0"/pruning-interval = "10"/g' "$APP_TOML"

# Allocate genesis accounts (cosmos formatted addresses)
evmosd add-genesis-account "$(evmosd keys show "$VAL_KEY" -a --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR")" 100000000000000000000000000aevmos --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"
evmosd add-genesis-account "$(evmosd keys show "$USER1_KEY" -a --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR")" 1000000000000000000000aevmos,100000000uatom --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"
evmosd add-genesis-account "$(evmosd keys show "$USER2_KEY" -a --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR")" 1000000000000000000000aevmos --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"
evmosd add-genesis-account "$(evmosd keys show "$USER3_KEY" -a --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR")" 1000000000000000000000aevmos --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"
evmosd add-genesis-account "$(evmosd keys show "$USER4_KEY" -a --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR")" 1000000000000000000000aevmos --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --home "$HOMEDIR"

# Sign genesis transaction
evmosd gentx "$VAL_KEY" 1000000000000000000000aevmos --gas-prices ${BASEFEE}aevmos --keyring-backend "$KEYRING" --chain-id "$CHAINID" --home "$HOMEDIR"
## In case you want to create multiple validators at genesis
## 1. Back to `evmosd keys add` step, init more keys
## 2. Back to `evmosd add-genesis-account` step, add balance for those
## 3. Clone this ~/.evmosd home directory into some others, let's say `~/.clonedEvmosd`
## 4. Run `gentx` in each of those folders
## 5. Copy the `gentx-*` folders under `~/.clonedEvmosd/config/gentx/` folders into the original `~/.evmosd/config/gentx`

# Collect genesis tx
evmosd collect-gentxs --home "$HOMEDIR"

# Run this to ensure everything worked and that the genesis file is setup correctly
evmosd validate-genesis --home "$HOMEDIR"

if [[ $1 == "pending" ]]; then
    echo "pending mode is on, please wait for the first block committed."


Start the node

evmosd start \ --metrics "$TRACE" \ --log_level $LOGLEVEL \ --minimum-gas-prices=0.0001aevmos \ --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 \ --home "$HOMEDIR" \ --chain-id "$CHAINID"

3. Run `./local_node.sh -y` the first time

## Other
### Get tokens pair
evmosd q erc20 token-pairs --home ~/.tmp-evmosd
  next_key: null
  total: "2"
- contract_owner: OWNER_MODULE
  denom: aevmos
  enabled: true
  erc20_address: 0xD4949664cD82660AaE99bEdc034a0deA8A0bd517
- contract_owner: OWNER_MODULE
  denom: uatom
  enabled: true
  erc20_address: 0x5db67696C3c088DfBf588d3dd849f44266ff0ffa

Change epoch duration

jq '.app_state["epochs"]["epochs"][0]["duration"]="25s"' "$GENESIS" >"$TMP_GENESIS" && mv "$TMP_GENESIS" "$GENESIS"

Gets tests accounts private keys

List accounts

evmosd keys list --keyring-backend test --home ~/.tmp-evmosd
- address: evmos1cml96vmptgw99syqrrz8az79xer2pcgp84pdun
  name: dev0
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AtXCpR7zQkJ2tZ3oiKA3V9ugfBEkUUmw6dC1bQAX8f3v"}'
  type: local
- address: evmos1jcltmuhplrdcwp7stlr4hlhlhgd4htqh3a79sq
  name: dev1
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"ArMvs2q6M7Tu0EoohH+TvZGcHe3KWuaAJJeRpEp6jskn"}'
  type: local
- address: evmos1gzsvk8rruqn2sx64acfsskrwy8hvrmafqkaze8
  name: dev2
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A6q73mavKf+3Su1r9Ks6Y3w6T+17Ety5opH7/lFW99ek"}'
  type: local
- address: evmos1fx944mzagwdhx0wz7k9tfztc8g3lkfk6rrgv6l
  name: dev3
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A0KzLfOTKvyCPfvxSz7xAMzCzmJNkSIpfI1JrDCxbmUW"}'
  type: local
- address: evmos10jmp6sgh4cc6zt3e8gw05wavvejgr5pwjnpcky
  name: mykey
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"A5LuwPzowaWjWd3y1cekZnOLw/w4twRtgbgU05gR1a/d"}'
  type: local

Export private key

evmosd keys unsafe-export-eth-key dev0 --home ~/.tmp-evmosd

Add network to metamask

RPC - chainId - 9000

Check balance uatom

evmosd q bank balances evmos1cml96vmptgw99syqrrz8az79xer2pcgp84pdun --home ~/.tmp-evmosd

Load precompile on remix

Image Image Image

⚠️ When restarting the chain from genesis clear data and reset nonce in metamask

sandoche commented 4 weeks ago


sandoche commented 3 weeks ago

Disable pruning

there should be 3 lines with pruning options

sed -i.bak 's/pruning = "default"/pruning = "custom"/g' "$APP_TOML"
sed -i.bak 's/pruning-keep-recent = "0"/pruning-keep-recent = "2"/g' "$APP_TOML"
sed -i.bak 's/pruning-interval = "0"/pruning-interval = "10"/g' "$APP_TOML"

remove the bottom 2 and on the first one replace custom with nothing