evmos / evmosjs

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The @buf/evmos_evmos.bufbuild_es dependency is broken #181

Open cryptoliang opened 1 year ago

cryptoliang commented 1 year ago


This line should be changed to (note v1 is changed to v2)

export * from '@buf/evmos_evmos.bufbuild_es/evmos/vesting/v2/tx_pb.js'

Because the package @buf/evmos_evmos.bufbuild_es version is upgraded to 1.2.0-20230822152208-9101da12dca9.1, so the file structure is changed.

M-Picco commented 1 year ago

I might have run into the same issue. I'm getting the following output from a react application on webpack:

Failed to compile.

Attempted import error: 'MsgClawback' is not exported from '../../proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js' (imported as 'MsgClawback').
ERROR in ../node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/messages/vesting/msgClawback.js 3:18-29
export 'MsgClawback' (imported as 'MsgClawback') was not found in '../../proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js' (module has no exports)

ERROR in ../node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/messages/vesting/msgClawback.js 10:10-30
export 'MsgClawback' (imported as 'MsgClawback') was not found in '../../proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js' (module has no exports)

ERROR in ../node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/messages/vesting/msgCreateClawbackVestingAccount.js 19:18-49
export 'MsgCreateClawbackVestingAccount' (imported as 'MsgCreateClawbackVestingAccount') was not found in '../../proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js' (module has no exports)

ERROR in ../node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/messages/vesting/msgCreateClawbackVestingAccount.js 31:10-50
export 'MsgCreateClawbackVestingAccount' (imported as 'MsgCreateClawbackVestingAccount') was not found in '../../proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js' (module has no exports)

ERROR in ../node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/proto/evmos/vesting/tx.js 1:0-71
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '@buf/evmos_evmos.bufbuild_es/evmos/vesting/v1/tx_pb.js' in '/Users/mpicco/code/work/wormhole-connect/node_modules/@evmos/proto/dist/proto/evmos/vesting'

webpack compiled with 5 errors

And this is the error logged on the console:


Reverting to version 0.2.17 worked, but it's missing the memo field for IBC transfers, which is critical for this application.