Open vimalsaifudin opened 9 years ago
Is there any way to change selected index of the sideMenu from a view controller ?
You can use self.sideMenuController()?.sideMenu?.menuViewController to access the tableViewController and change the selectedItem, and call reloadData().
See this question:
Hi, I'm using a button within a view to switch to another view. Both the views are inside the navigation view controller's stack. After switching to the second view I need to change the selected row in the SideMenu Rows from 'View 1' to 'View 2'. How to do that ?
I tried to call selectRowAtIndexPath method of 'MenuTableViewController' from my ViewController, but that doesn't work.
tableView.selectRowAtIndexPath(NSIndexPath(forRow: selectedMenuItem, inSection: 0), animated: false, scrollPosition: .Middle)
Regards, Vimal Saifudin