evo-lua / evo-luvi

[Obsolete] Experimental Lua runtime environment built on Luvi (libuv + LuaJIT)
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Explore adding bindings to the webview library to allow creating web-based frontends #160

Open rdw-software opened 1 year ago

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

So this is a weird idea (and probably stupid), but I recently stumbled upon webview while working on some unrelated frontend stuff. Now the big question is, what if we called into that from Lua? (or C, for that matter) It sounds so absurd that it might just work...



What are the drawbacks? Well, there's a few...

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

So there are two main difficulties in integrating the library, and one annoyance:

  1. There's no run_once API to allow interweaving the webview loop with libuv's event loop
  2. How should the libuv APIs (and others) be exposed to the frontend? Callbacks from C to Lua are SLOW - that leaves IPC?
  3. What about native APIs for things one might want to do that aren't already available? Reimplement here, PR to usptream? Will they accept it (their goal seems to be to keep it minimal)?
rdw-software commented 1 year ago

One more concern: What about the different browser backends? Do they have similar capabilities? EDGE is just Chromium and the Linux WebGTK looks alright, but I'm sure there's going to be at least some gotchas when it comes to adding more native APIs (point three), e.g. for opening native file dialogs etc. - all the stuff that Electron already provides.

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

As for the missing APIs, I guess there would need to be a libuv-like abstraction for the three main platforms, that is compatible with how webview does things internally. The easiest would be for them to merge that in if it could be developed, but then I can't really do OSX development efficiently so it's unlikely to happen anytime soon anyway. The main features I would be using are:

I would also be interested to see how far into the browser's innards we can reach. Probably depends on the OS API (not very far)?

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

Exchanging data efficiently with the frontend would be annoying. The options are:

So I guess HTTP requests for data fetching combined with a localhost server might work. If more is needed, either a way to use shared buffers in non-Windows frontends would have to be found, or the C functions might need to be bound (again)...

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

Also worth keeping in mind what kind of tasks would actually have to be handed off to the backend:

In this design, the backend would be the Lua/C engine and it can do anything a regular backend server could do... plus interact with the frontend directly if needed. It seems a bit odd to separate the UI and runtime this way, but I guess that's web apps for you.

The good news is that this would keep the frontend largely portable so the code can always be run in a regular browser, unless closer integration is needed (then JSON RPC or shared buffers might be used).

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

Overall I like the HTTP-based frontend/backend flow best, even if it's not ideal. There are several fallback options to explore if need be, so hopefully this design would still be flexible enough and yet relatively simple. I guess you could even do most API calls via HTTP, i.e., frontend requests runtime APIs via REST, or WebSockets (with significant overhead...). That wouldn't be much better than JSON RPC, though likely more optimized by the browser engine?

OTOH, the things that you might request from the backend are almost always heavily CPU-bound tasks or I/O-bound things that won't significantly be impacted by the overhead of a single HTTP request/response on top. Smaller stuff can just be done in JS land, which I guess means that the overhead isn't a real concern. Or it would be fast enough anyway, even with HTTP.

The only "sad" part is you cannot use NodeJS packages that aren't compatible with browsers, but that's a given (and the most popular ones might support both environments) when working on the Lua/C level. The trade-off is not running electron, i.e. more control and significantly less bloat - no more 150MB hello world apps. Is that worth it? Maybe...

Oh, and bonus points for getting to avoid all UI/sync API issues. Everything is async/await and sync stuff handled by the backend.

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

I think I'll just build a quick prototype for a minimal integration, then move the rest to separate issues if needed.

rdw-software commented 1 year ago

Also, this is blocked by #90 and at least #137 since we want to be running a HTTP server in the backend, too.