evo-lua / evo-runtime

All-in one Lua runtime based on LuaJIT and libuv
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Streamline the conventions used for various APIs (which are currently fairly inconsistent) #323

Open Duckwhale opened 9 months ago

Duckwhale commented 9 months ago

See https://evo-lua.github.io/docs/references/code-conventions for an example of the complexity this brings (very unintuitive)...

There are multiple layers of abstraction that might warrant different conventions. But there's also a lot of "winging it", third-party libraries doing their own thing, and at least two or so ways of error handling used (failure returns, errors, and possibly others).

All in all, it's a bit messy and I've always been bothered by having to accomodate snake_case, PascalCase, and camelCase.

Before an organized cleanup can take place, however, a few common denominators need to be found that work for all layers:

TBD: What other issues and inconsistencies are there? Should review the entire codebase and jot down all potential issues here.

Duckwhale commented 8 months ago

May also want to consider some of the points mentioned here: https://google.github.io/styleguide/cppguide.html

Not everything applies, but having a more consistent guideline than what currently exists would certainly help.