evoingram / portfolio

portfolio website in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, live solo project
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page: projects #5

Closed evoingram closed 4 years ago

evoingram commented 4 years ago
evoingram commented 4 years ago

Company Site

My company's website made with only JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. The current site is its fourth iteration, a new version utilizing what I've learned at Lambda. It ranks in the 90th percentile in Google PageSpeed Insights and ranks on first page results for "seattle transcription".

This project was developed using LESS with many parametric mixins and nested styles, different media queries for phone, tablet, and desktop, responsive units for font sizing, and media queries escaped. Like my build week project, it has several animations, two for the showcase image up top, another for the various sections coming in from alternating sides (slide in left/right), and yet another for the underlines when you hover over a link. On the main page, they underline from the inside outward. Any gradient you see was generated with pure CSS. The site utilizes a form I designed from scratch for orders and price quotes.

Transcript Management

This is the code for my company's database that I use for business operations/transcript management. I wrote it myself (minus the jsonconverter) & development is still ongoing. It uses an Access database with VBA & MySQL. I save at least 45 mins per transcript order using this database.

This code does so much, I can't really list it all here. A full list describing what each function does is found at https://github.com/evoingram/VBProjects/blob/master/database/AboutDB.bas.

Some of the things it does include the following. It automates API interactions with PayPal, Wunderlist, CourtListener for automatically hyperlinking authority in transcripts, & others. It also auto-reads emails from Outlook and 'processes' them. The database manages my workflow in many ways. It automatically produces a ton of different Office documents according to templates I've created. It manipulates PDFs to add bookmarks, create different transcript versions. It manages & plays audio and reporter notes. It automatically manages my schedule & tells me what i can handle or can't based on tasks it auto-creates & I complete/check off as i go. I can easily send price quotes & download 'new' files from the FTP server when customers upload new audio/files.

This database has been created with concepts from GTD incorporated into its workflow. It uses a strict folder system developed by me to manage all of the related files it deals with.

There is also a speech recognition component that I have never used because it is for pocketSphinx & I need something more robust than that, but works; it will do things at the click of a button like record the audio in the proper format, complete the speech recognition, as well as auto-feed the engine audio & transcripts to make it more accurate. It formats court transcripts into a format readable by the engine. A chunk of the speech recognition portion was done using batch files, but comes out of VBA & starts from clicking an Access form button.

2-3 React Apps

Nasa Search DevDesk Refactor

Build Week 1: Multi-Page Marketing Website

This project was developed using LESS with several parametric mixins and nested styles, different media queries for phone, tablet, and desktop, responsive units for font sizing, and media queries escaped. It has three different animations, coming in from left, right, and bottom. It also has a fourth animation for the checkmarks using SVG.