evollu / react-native-firebase-analytics

React native bridge for firebase analytics
MIT License
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I can not see any analytics. #33

Open binzailani3136 opened 7 years ago

binzailani3136 commented 7 years ago

Dear Developer! How are you? Thanks for your module. But I can't see any analytics on Firebase Console. I added all as what written in ready. If you help me, I will do my best for you. Please help me!

mikemonteith commented 7 years ago

How long did you wait? Analytics is not real-time. Your data get's periodically updated. See here for how to verify that your events are being sent properly: https://firebase.google.com/docs/analytics/ios/events#view_events_in_the_xcode_debug_console

These dashboards update periodically throughout the day. For immediate testing, use the debug console output as described in the previous section.

nicholasstephan commented 7 years ago

I'm having the same (or similar) problem. I get everything plugged in and events seem to be firing, but no data is hitting the firebase console.

I added debugging as described in the link you supplied, and get the following in Xcode:

2017-03-30 13:45:27.138 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023051] Logging event: origin, name, params: app, going, { firebase_screen_id (_si) = -7099126510915435512; key = -KdvTwvWfNWttsbrsbpv; firebase_event_origin (_o) = app; name = Art After Dark; firebase_screen_class (_sc) = UIViewController; } 2017-03-30 13:45:27.140 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023073] Debug mode is enabled. Marking event as debug and real-time. Event name, parameters: going, { firebase_event_origin (_o) = app; firebase_realtime (_r) = 1; firebase_debug (_dbg) = 1; key = -KdvTwvWfNWttsbrsbpv; firebase_screen_id (_si) = -7099126510915435512; firebase_screen_class (_sc) = UIViewController; name = Art After Dark; } 2017-03-30 13:45:27.144 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023072] Event logged. Event name, event params: going, { firebase_event_origin (_o) = app; firebase_realtime (_r) = 1; firebase_debug (_dbg) = 1; key = -KdvTwvWfNWttsbrsbpv; firebase_screen_id (_si) = -7099126510915435512; firebase_screen_class (_sc) = UIViewController; name = Art After Dark; } 2017-03-30 13:45:27.146 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] Measurement timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): 0.9913570880889893 2017-03-30 13:45:27.146 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023028] Upload task scheduled to be executed in approx. (s): 0.9913570880889893 2017-03-30 13:45:28.172 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002001] Measurement timer fired 2017-03-30 13:45:28.181 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002003] Measurement timer canceled 2017-03-30 13:45:28.183 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023033] Starting data upload 2017-03-30 13:45:28.184 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023105] Event is not subject to real-time event count daily limit. Marking an event as real-time. Event name, parameters: going, { firebase_event_origin (_o) = app; firebase_realtime (_r) = 1; firebase_debug (_dbg) = 1; key = -KdvTwvWfNWttsbrsbpv; firebase_screen_id (_si) = -7099126510915435512; firebase_screen_class (_sc) = UIViewController; name = Art After Dark; } 2017-03-30 13:45:28.185 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS012018] Saving bundle. size (bytes): 448 2017-03-30 13:45:28.187 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023116] Bundle added to the upload queue. BundleID, timestamp (ms): 40, 1490906727137 2017-03-30 13:45:28.192 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023038] Uploading events. Elapsed time since last successful upload (s): 12.29235696792603 2017-03-30 13:45:28.255 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023039] Measurement data sent to network. Timestamp (ms), data: 1490906728191, <FIRAPBMeasurementBatch: 0x7fc91b6f5470> 2017-03-30 13:45:28.256 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS900000] Uploading data. Host: https://app-measurement.com/a 2017-03-30 13:45:28.448 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS901006] Received SSL challenge for host. Host: https://app-measurement.com/a 2017-03-30 13:45:28.711 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023044] Successful upload. Got network response. Code, size: 204, 0 2017-03-30 13:45:28.713 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002002] Measurement timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): -0.5763939023017883 2017-03-30 13:45:28.714 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023028] Upload task scheduled to be executed in approx. (s): -0.5763939023017883 2017-03-30 13:45:28.715 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS023024] No data to upload. Upload task will not be scheduled 2017-03-30 13:45:28.716 MyApp[6408] [Firebase/Analytics][I-ACS002003] Measurement timer canceled

This seems to suggest everything uploaded fine (code 204). But still no data. I've waited now for 48hrs.

I've tried re-downloading the GoogleService-Info.plist to be sure I'm hitting the right firebase.

Any insight as to what might be going wrong here?


Mactub07 commented 7 years ago

screenshot at 31 13-53-52

do you use debug Tab in FireBase console? I've trigger event at once after run app in emulator

frost-htx commented 7 years ago

I opened the dug mode, still can't see the events.

Does anyone can help me?

2017-06-20 17:34:06.862 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Timer scheduled to fire in approx. (s): 1572.445936977863 2017-06-20 17:34:06.862 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Upload task scheduled to be executed in approx. (s): 1572.445936977863 2017-06-20 17:34:06.863 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Do not schedule an upload task. Task already exists 2017-06-20 17:34:16.544 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Timer fired 2017-06-20 17:34:16.545 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Canceling active timer 2017-06-20 17:34:16.545 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Logging event: origin, 2017-06-20 17:34:06.563 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Network status has changed. Code, status: 2, Connected 2017-06-20 17:34:06.773 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Event logged. Event name, event params: select_content, { "_o" = app; "content_type" = cont; "item_id" = 1; } name, params: auto, _s, { "_o" = auto; } 2017-06-20 17:34:16.552 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Event logged. Event name, event params: _s, { "_o" = auto; } 2017-06-20 17:34:16.553 FROSTPlatform[39981:] <FIRAnalytics/DEBUG> Do not schedule an upload task. Task already exists

Riadh-Mkhinini commented 6 years ago

i have the same issue :/

qaavi commented 6 years ago


angeloocana commented 6 years ago
